The Legend of Vincent Tremblay

Addressed down-thread. Nothing to do with OP’s straw man.

Straw man. Do better.

No mention of this?

“Exclusive” is a de facto term of art in the gaming industry. When applied to 3rd party games, it means “bought and paid for” as Epic does, not Valve. 

Long-debunked premise: Valve does not pay for exclusives. They never have. Every publisher has been free to choose where to sell their games besides Steam. That they generally choose to either not sell anywhere else or open their own company stores are decisions publishers make on their own.

A long-debunked premise and a straw man argument. Quite the winning hand you have there.

>lotta people up in arms about an inferior PC store throwing around massive amounts of mobile/console money to violate PC industry norms out of spite for the incumbent without providing any benefit to consumers.

Blizzard made peace with heroes’ 1st and 3rd person views not matching early in development, I think. Hanzo still isn’t as egregious as Moira’s hands appearing in 1st person while she Naruto runs in 3rd.

Destiny has hold time as a stat on bows. Hold too long and it fires whether you’re aimed right or not.

Hanzo’s not straining, he’s just trying to work through some issues during a rough time in his life, you know?

The Mini Before This Our Largest Model Was The Same Size As A Goddamn Nissan Kicks But Y’all Got Your Jokes Don’t You. The engineers might need to devote slightly more time and attention to the nameplate on this one.

I think somebody left out that Mercedes does background checks on all buyers of the armored models like the Pullman Guard.

I’ve been considering the Rav4 hybrid myself. Not many options out there when you’ve outgrown a hatchback, but don’t want to backslide on fuel efficiency. (I’m ready for that V60 hybrid wagon whenever you are, Volvo.)

Fans of the Metro and Borderlands series would beg to differ.

I said “eventually trickle back down through publishers and studios to us at some vague future date”. You need to work on your reading comprehension skills, because you’re not getting what either Phil or me are actually saying. 

Compare what you wrote to the sections I bolded in Phil’s quote. Epic is absolutely expecting us to act in Epic’s best interest on a hand-waved promise that the benefits will eventually trickle back down through publishers and studios to us at some vague future date. And in the meantime, they’re effectively subtracting

“Epic cynic = Steam fanboy” is a false equivalence. And to be blunt, shame on Luke for reaching for that cheap heat in his lede.

On the one hand, casting the lead from another British spy series that made textual references to the Bond canon is a bit on-the-nose.

This put the burrito in the “calzone” category. Then again, beyond Taco Bell, burrito size is trending toward calzone size, so this may be more honest than intended.