
If the game won't tell you, I will: In Crimson Dragon, Menu will pause the game and produce menus like you see above. View is altogether more awesome. Whether you're in the menus or actually playing the game, it will toggle the appearance or disappearance of a small blue-framed box in the lower left corner. That box

It's from the "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders" anime

Actually, the contest isn't "new" - submission period already ended, in June 30th - and it's not for RPG Maker games. It was sponsored by RPG Maker, but any engine could enter. Your game didn't even had to be a RPG either. So yeah.

Hayters gonna hayte

Shake shake!

"Please allow 2-3 weeks to receive your pre-order code." Given the nature of the promotion this is a kinda funny observation...


They talked about it in a recent interview (tl;dr "Seems quite unlikely at the moment")

It really bothers me that the graphics are definitely SNES-like, but the music is 8bit/NES. C'mon Squenix, get your shit together.

They're using GameMaker:Studio Professional

Note that this isn't exactly new, asm.js was first presented last year and back then they already had Unreal Engine 3 running in Firefox at "near native speed". Chrome had NaCl for a while now. However, the industry giants aren't working with this technology yet, most likely because it's not clear if it's a

Wow, given the hardware limitations... that's actually quite impressive. The graphics are pretty nice considering they only had four colors to work with.

That's a stupid list. Where's Zeebo? N-Gage? POLYSTATION 3?

That makes me want to puke

I'm pretty sure it says "up to 4 players".

For me it sounds like you don't appreciate indie games, and the effort that is put to develop them. Those aren't "weekend projects" - Super Meat Boy took a team of two 22 months to be developed, as a full-time project. The developers were almost out of money by the time it was finished.

You know Super Meat Boy? Binding of Isaac? Dofus? Candy Crush Saga? They're all Flash games.

Ok, for starters, I don't think you know what "Isometric" means. RPG Maker is not isometric. This, this and this are isometric. And RPG Maker is not free of charge. It is developed and sold by Enterbrain. Plus, the RTP is licensed to be used solely with RPG Maker products.

I'm rather curious, why did you felt the necessity to clarify that it's the Adblock Plus for Firefox? Does it matter on which browser you're using Adblock Plus?