
I love when a single person can make the feds poop their pants in fear.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest NOW WAIT PUT DOWN THAT KNIFE!!

@Tapion8171: What, seriously? I love the game, but I don't think Psychonauts is underrated.

@AutobahnBurner: Funny you said that. Two weeks ago I tried canned Guinness, and I drink it straight from the can. I was pretty sure that it wasn't the same beer...

@Jorge Almodovar: Which "these" games you're talking about? Unity3D engine was used for this game, but each game is a different game.

Those wondering about the braille text, it says "alcohol".

Is that panel from the manga?

@Mr Quacker: Not many. But the big challenge is to find those old 3GB drives...

@myfriendtheZebra: Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm impartial. I just saw it at Dueling Analogs and thought it was funny and related.

Was it just me that noticed the blatant similarity with Katamari Damacy?!

I'll just leave this here

So... it was a Rick Enroll?

@KamWrex: I'm with you. Whenever I'm Rick-Rolled I smile and keep listening to the song.

Brazil, rejoice!

Dude, I'd buy that for a dollar.

"Time Travelers Secret Film"? What that's suppose to mean?

Sheesh, Level-5 has some bold titles in development. I'm very impressed.

Yes! Yes!! It's time to boot up my Wii once again!

@Archaotic: NOA has been dickish since MOTHER 3...