I love when a single person can make the feds poop their pants in fear.
I love when a single person can make the feds poop their pants in fear.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest NOW WAIT PUT DOWN THAT KNIFE!!
@Tapion8171: What, seriously? I love the game, but I don't think Psychonauts is underrated.
@AutobahnBurner: Funny you said that. Two weeks ago I tried canned Guinness, and I drink it straight from the can. I was pretty sure that it wasn't the same beer...
@Jorge Almodovar: Which "these" games you're talking about? Unity3D engine was used for this game, but each game is a different game.
Those wondering about the braille text, it says "alcohol".
@Kajigger Me Timbers: But how did he read that?
Is that panel from the manga?
@Mr Quacker: Not many. But the big challenge is to find those old 3GB drives...
@myfriendtheZebra: Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm impartial. I just saw it at Dueling Analogs and thought it was funny and related.
Was it just me that noticed the blatant similarity with Katamari Damacy?!
So... it was a Rick Enroll?
@KamWrex: I'm with you. Whenever I'm Rick-Rolled I smile and keep listening to the song.
Brazil, rejoice!
Dude, I'd buy that for a dollar.
"Time Travelers Secret Film"? What that's suppose to mean?
Sheesh, Level-5 has some bold titles in development. I'm very impressed.
Yes! Yes!! It's time to boot up my Wii once again!
@Archaotic: NOA has been dickish since MOTHER 3...