You can flag tags, but you can't tag tags (nor can you currently tag flags). It's a drag they don't let you flag tag flags, but that might open the door to tagging tag flag flags. And that would just be silly.
You can flag tags, but you can't tag tags (nor can you currently tag flags). It's a drag they don't let you flag tag flags, but that might open the door to tagging tag flag flags. And that would just be silly.
So you're saying we can now tag tags with flags?
"Some vengeful thinking is acceptable here."
It wouldn't be America if we didn't tell you what was wrong with your country and how to fix it.
yeah well people like you are the reason our fucking system is so broken. thanks
Scandinavian countries have such better justice systems than basically anywhere else in the world. They give prisoners laxer sentences and they experience much less crime. Keep your vengeful attitude to yourself and actually think please!!
Since people don't seem to remember (or didn't hear) about this, 21 years is the maximum sentence length in Norway. That said, the prosecution loaded up on what a dangerous maniac he is because you can, at the end of that term, petition to extend the sentence on the basis that the person remains a danger to public…
21 years is the maximum sentence in Norway.
HOWEVER, he will never walk free. Detention can be extended by 5 years in special circumstances, and after these 5 years it can be extended again... and again... and again.
Starship Troopers is amazing!
I apologize, artemissed. I love Nintendo, and I have to backpedal and hate you because you talked smack on my Wii U, even though you also shared joy with my Xbox One joke. Forgive the earlier shared laughter. No more fun in our shared interest in games.
In advance of the big RoboCop reboot opening this week (starring Joel "You're My Ride, Linden" Kinnaman!), I thought…
Like a camera that you have to buy to watch your movement while you play non-movement games.
''Couldn't figure out a gimmick that makes use of the pad for this one guys, our bad!" - Nintendo
It's... it's as though the entire novelty experience is audaciously undesirable atop being wholly unnecessary...!
As someone who is deaf in one ear and has partial hearing loss in the other, the way this guy describes what he can hear is bang on. I don't think he's faking his hearing loss, I think he's exaggerating it though. As far as turning his head towards sound, I do the same thing on my deaf side sometimes depending on what…
I don't even see anybody in the last cou-
I quite enjoyed most of my time playing WoW but one of the things that put me off subscription plans is that it discourages you from buying/playing other games, I had friends that felt the same.
Yeah, that's crazy!
And gotten more play time out of that any other game and you would have probably spent more buying random games as well. MMOs give you more than enough bang for your buck. People like to cry about 15 dollar subscription(which they burn in a day on dumb shit like coffee or milkshakes) but that 15 dollars is hundreds of…