You're legitimately curious?
You're legitimately curious?
3 HDMI ports. Never used a console on it, so I cannot speak to that, but there was 0 input lag when used with for PC gaming.
Despite the fact that we never really promote them, oCosmo TVs are actually pretty popular among our readers, and at this price, it's easy to see why. [oCosmo 40" HDTV, $261] Tasteless promotional art not included.
It's just a shrill pout from bored white men who like to nurse a persecution complex and fantasize about the collapse of a society where they feel they no longer have absolute control over resources and think they would love nothing more than to take over the world with a basement full of ammunition and a few palettes…
wahhhh, fema camps, Alex Jones, etc.
Yeah, I'm sure you feel really oppressed.
I'm definitely not, but I have known about this game for a few years now. So when news broke over No Man's Sky, I was like 'hey, this looks like a gorgeous version of Hazeron!'
Looks rough, but it's basically been developed by just a handful of people and is still in early beta.
This game looks absolutely incredible, and I cannot wait. That said, it reminds me a *great* deal of another MMO that has been out for years, called Shores of Hazeron:
I remember my first beer...
17" Big Bang Theory Talking Sheldon Figure ($27) | Groupon
The in-game lore is pretty hazy about it, but you are right.
You play a Nephalem in Diablo 3. All the classes. Nephalem are the offspring of Angels and Demons who stole away in hopes of escaping the endless war between Heaven and Hell; more specifically, Lilith and Inarius' progeny. You don't play super duper humans who were given powers by the sundering of the Worldstone.
I finally got around to playing it just a couple years ago. The graphics did not hamper my experience in the least, though it is quite toward to seek out the patched/Steam-era version that supports 1920x1080.
Could totally be that, too. Just reminded me of the dude from Lady In the Water for a moment. ;P
Stranger danger!
jerk off arm detected
Can't agree enough. By appearances, this is literally demonizing bullies. I'm not going to jump in to defend harassment, but breaking the cycle of abuse requires more empathy from every side, so without knowing the specifics of this game, it's difficult to get behind it as a socially responsible work without a heap of…