Left Handshake

We got a Rift at my work. I feel exactly the same way that you do.

3 days delinquent of that. Dohhhh. Great tip though, thanks!

Die Hard: 25th Anniversary Collection ($20) | Amazon

Yet you are precisely the sort person that his deconstruction was meant to subvert.

Thanks- some compelling recommendations (to me)

Absolutely you should see it. As a movie it's a great deal of fun and looks incredible. As a film, it's fairly poor, though by no means Razzie-worthy or anything.

You used 4 paragraphs to rail at length about how proponents of PCs are complete windbags, all the while saying nothing of substance. Did you read your post?

It's a good point worth thinking about.

He wasn't fired because of his unpopular views, though. He got fired for PUBLICLY misrepresenting the company. I would fire him, too, but not because I think it will make the world a better place, but because, frankly, having your employees espouse controversial things under your moniker is bad for business, end of.

I get your sentiment, I really do. The same argument springs forth around the Westboro Baptist Church- they have the *right* to be assholes!

And now is where we clarify Freedom of Speech in that the first amendment protects citizens (in most cases, there are exceptions, of course) from being squelched by the government. That is the extent of what he is entitled to "as an American" in this regard, and whatever other blight he has brought on himself has been

Yeah, I can buy that they meant "something within the range of the i7 era of Quad Core (and greater) processors", but to stipulate that you would need a top of the line CPU as a minimum requirement? Talk about shooting yourself in der Fuß.

Shut UP, you nerds are going to love it.

Very cool, look forward to checking out the difference.

Psst, there's a way to resurrect General Leo and have him in your party...

That's great- I've never actually seen TNG before, so this is a splendid option. Thanks again.

Ah, I suppose this is what I was wondering! Thank you for the response. Will maybe hold out for the BluRay Series to drop under $800 in 2028 when they release the ChartreuseRay edition.

Boldly pay less than any man one has paid before with this deal on the complete series of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The series is also in process of being released on blu-ray, and we cover deals on those sets as well, but you'll be paying significantly more. [Groupon]

Although I feel the same way, a quick glance at his IMDB paints him as an impressively prolific film actor... who also happened to do a lot of crap movies, too, and well after Super Mario Bros., at that.

Save it as a .jpg or other non-animated format.