
Wouldn’t that mandatory-for-everyone entrance/exit cutscene be a sync check? Like, make sure every player’s data is where it needs to be? Additionally, I as a former designer can see it being designed to avoid people awkwardly just phasing into existence.

They’re a little more credible, but I like to wait for official confirmation rather than media sources.

Wow!! Amazing!!!

Glad this is out (or almost out). I did motion-capture on MUA3 and was brought back for the expansion. Got to play Thing, Doom, Cable and others.

So they’re about as in deep water as a lot of Americans...

So, I’ve spent quite a bit of time in “underground idol” culture.

I’m a creative. Always have been. Designer, writer, director. But even I see the folly of no producers. It’s like having people designing a puzzle, drawing art for the puzzle, but nobody actually monitoring/assembling the puzzle.

Now playing

For those wondering “What Happened” to this game, please enjoy the excellent video from Matt McMuscles’ “Wha Happun” series:

Was hoping you’d address pee or female ejaculate. That can leave a mark. 

Was hoping you’d address pee or female ejaculate. That can leave a mark. 

I was one orb away from finding them all in Crackdown 1...

Yup, I deduced. But I felt Luke may want to correct his journalistic oversight.

ADL is, to my knowledge, not a household acronym like FBI or (arguably) LAPD. Would have been nice to spell it out at least once - preferably in its first usage.

I admit: I did have help. I asked Jeeves. 

Hi. I’m about to blow your mind. Do a Google (or more likely in your case Lycos or Yahoo) search for “YouTube.”

Bad, dog. Bad. 

I’ve been credited in somegames:

Worth noting that one person gets more than one “like” for an object. If I pounded on the touchscreen button, I could like a sign 100+ times before my time to do so expired. 

Hell, I had a TurboGrafx-16 as a kid, so I wanted a Turbo Express - the handheld Turbografx!

If you need me to list every other Nintendo franchise to achieve any kind of cred, I don’t need you to occupy my same universe. Eat maggots crawling out of the corpse of your dead pet dog, burner.

Nintendo gets away with sooooo much because it makes Zelda and Mario (and others). It can evergreen MSRP games both physical and digital; screw over third-parties on card sizes; do EA levels of micro transactions on mobile; region-lock 3DS (and Wii-U) for no reason; and fail at nearly any endeavors related to online