
Chris reached out to me about the game’s struggles for Kotaku. He knows I was once a designer/director on the series and covered things the public didn’t know in my YT videos. I was all about it.

I was one of the main mocap actors on that game. And Death Stranding. I’m a full-time actor in Tokyo.

Isn’t there a bunch of new story-based content, like with cutscenes and stuff?

Recently I learned that GU written in kanji (自由) means freedom. 

Nintendo is a big company. I doubt those who file takedowns on kaizo videos even live in the same continent as the designers.

A game that offers something different and unique will always be more divisive than the samey-ass offerings that make up a vast majority of major game releases. 

I was a freelance game journalist at the time, but the only game mentioned that I reviewed was Minish Cap - which I gave a 5/5 for Yahoo.

I’ve loved this game from the intro. 

Dude: “Here’s me cheating. I wonder if I should be doing this. Kids, don’t do this cheating I made this video about doing.“

Um... none?

*MGS3 once Subsistence fixed the wonk camera

A lot of us love those cutscenes. Some of us got into game-making to make cutscenes of our own. Some of us got to direct cutscenes or act in cutscenes and realize how talented Kojima really is. Okay, maybe it’s just me...

The original GameCube games actually really felt like you were tilting the stage rather than the characters themselves. It was weird, but I guess the old Labyrinth wooden field and steel ball puzzles were that way, too.

It was kind of designed for analog sticks rather than digital movement. The arcade original had a banana joystick. Would love to play with a trackball sometime...

There’s a Vita version, too!

If only 2K had done this with their WWE game this year...

NDAs, like most rules, can either bite you in the ass or not. It’s a risk, so you’d better be getting something to warrant that risk.

Yeah. That’s why movies always use unknown actors. And why you should always base all opinions about a 40-hour game on preview trailers. You don’t need to go on the journey with that character & walk 5,000 miles in their shoes.

Yeah, if only something like this already existed to, oh I don’t know, mask your mouth.

Ya know when people talk about the things they’ve done? They didn’t do them all at once.