
YES! Thank you. I hate that tired and played out excuse of oh she's young. Give her time. FUCK NO! I am young and I refuse to give her ignorant a$$ any more time. This is despicable. It's not an age thing. It's a maturity and self-awareness thing. And the way she is going she may be one of those that takes into her

Pharrell and Kanye and some more rich black dudes give her the thumbs up and now people are running to say, "Black people support her so what's your problem?". I'm sorry, but all I have when I see this is the same reaction I have whenever Allen West, Herman Cain, or Don Lemon open their mouths up about the black

Damn, I hate it when Pharrell and Kanye and Li'l Kim text me when I'm in the middle of an interview with Rolling Stone, explaining how I am 100%, for-realsies, not exploiting black people.

can i just point out that these comments made by black people are all made by men? as in not black women who are directly affected by her performance/video, men who constantly demean women (white or of colour) in their own videos/music? like that whole jay z not using the word bitch because he has a daughter now. i

Miley needs a seat. I'm so damn tired of her. Go away, child.

If I'd wanted to take a direct swipe at *Girls*, I would have. But I didn't. I was merely taking a poke at the breathless *who'd-have-thunk-it* tone of the blurb and the link, which could have been about *any* celebrity's kid getting his/her foot in the showbiz door, when you really get down to it. That it happens to

For the sake of truthiness and otherwise telling it like it is — or in this case *was*:

Now I'm going to assume Allison Williams was the inspiration for Cerie on 30 Rock, because I don't like Allison Williams and I'm jealous she got to work with Tina Fey

Yeah, she should really just shut up and not say anything at all! That's how to solve every problem! You tell her!

I use a cup of organic lentils tied in a conflict-free hemp bag as a loofah.

How does one do this? Pour a little honey on a damp wash cloth? (I could probably just google this. But, you know..reasons and stuff)

  • This picture that came up when I Googled "pilates" sort of speaks for itself.

She did say that she got sick in the helicopter, she looks like how I feel after a short car-ride with my easily rattled mom behind the wheel.

But do you do a lot of heroin? Maybe that is the link. Maybe you need someone to mule some heroine?

It should say, "$10,000 for Green Moms!"

Totally weird photo/ad combo! Edited to add: That one weird trick celebrities use to get beautiful skin: Cuddle with creepy pot-bellied mer-creature


I don't understand why these people are this color:


Burning fat is not what I think of when I think of Strange Fruit. Maybe they think I'm a fat jazz fan or anti-lynching activist?