Prayer is nice, but that’s not enough. You gotta do something about the problem, man.
Prayer is nice, but that’s not enough. You gotta do something about the problem, man.
I just saw “Levels”, and his dancing was...acceptable. He’s not Channing Tatum, but I wouldn’t call it terrible. He’s got a nice internal rhythm, and the moves were more athletic. Mostly, the other dancers are doing the work, and he’s doing his part. What are you seeing that I’m not seeing?
Yeah, but I mainly know him as Simon from Misfits and Freddie from Vicious. He’s got a sex appeal that sorta sneaks up on you.
But this lil’ Nick Jonas tho...
You don’t have to necessarily be a Christian to join other Christians, no more than anyone else. Because not all Christians get along. That’s why there are different sects.
The primary focus of this entire article is to embrace being different, and allow others to accept you for you. Address the very anxiety you seem…
What’s keeping you from joining? I don’t mean that rhetorically. I really want to know.
I cannot wait to hate-watch this. We should have a drinking game every time “Ease On Down The Road” plays. Stock up on brown liquor now.
I’m a regular investor, and so far so good. But I still have anxiety over reaching that magic million dollars. And you’re right. That amount might be necessary if you decide to travel more as you retire, rather than when you’re younger. Instead, I try to celebrate the small wins: Paying off a debt, having more assets…
A little of Column A, a little of Column B.
I don’t know who this person is, but D.C. is LOADED with Christians. I belong to a church that has thousands of members across the region. I want to empathize with her, but I..I just can’t.
Thanks for the love!
RIGHT!!?!? Now I feel like my priorities are not in order. Sure, I could make a healthy dinner tonight....Or I could open up Photoshop, and...
Sometimes the most elegant answer is the right answer.
Peter Farrelly told Marc Joubert that he couldn’t work under these conditions, as though he was some abused migrant worker. Then he said that he and Effie haven’t gotten along since Day One (which Effie retorts, “I haven’t had a single direct conversation with Peter.”).
But then he’s still willing to mentor Jason,…
I work in branding and design for a nonprofit. This is one of those cases where if you are a truly talented designer and brand strategist, you have to be willing to say no to work that is just merely window dressing.
The suits will have you think you are doing this for a great cause. But once you start to dig into the…
I have been following the series and every Sunday I call it, This Week in Effie Brown Gets Undermined...
Seriously, every week it’s something. Jason Mann going around her about film. Peter Farrelly saying he, “can’t work under these conditions” when referring to a disagreement with Effie. Marc Joubert throwing Effie…
I’m still gunning for Brit Marling, so all of these heauxs can be gone.
Do you have tattoos?
This isn’t a matter of whether tattoos are the same as scars from a tragic accident. It’s still no one’s goddamn business how or why I got it. No one has the right ask questions about anything on another individual’s person unsolicited, and expect a nice response.