
Yes, this is a face I very frequently make when my husband is speaking.

As an almost 42 year old, I have a hard time saying the 90's were horrible because I was already an adult then and it doesn't seem that long ago. That is, since I refuse to believe I am no longer in my twenties I also refuse to believe my baggy jeans, clunky boots, and Birkenstock clogs are no longer in style.

Ok, one time when I was 14 years old my parents were out of town and I was staying with my Aunt, Uncle and cousin who is the same age as me. My cousin and I had concocted a scheme to have a party at my parent's empty house, and notified all of the teens we knew and found someone's older cousin to buy us liquor, etc.

I get what you're saying. I was definitely an outlier among my friends. I totally misread what you wrote and thought you were saying it wasn't possible for Jennifer Lawrence to eat like she says she does and still stay skinny. My bad.

When I was Jennifer's age I ate whatever I wanted (pizza, fast food, cake, etc.) all the time and never worked out. Also smoked like a chimney and guzzled beer like it was water. I was a size 2! Now that I'm 41 of course I'm lucky if I can fit into a size 12. So there's that...

I agree with you. The problem is I'm seeing several doctors and taking several medications with not so great side effects (for GERD, acne, depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc.) and none of the doctors ever talk about any of those lifestyle, diet, and self-care routines that might help. They're just like "Keep taking this

I really wish you would have filmed it. I am sick.

Yes, I'm totally willing to believe that he is stupid enough to have no idea how this would come across.

Every single time she is mentioned someone chimes in with "why isn't her name capitalized?" or "is that a typo?" I know I finally had to Google her and find out what the deal was. It IS smart branding because it brings attention to HER, which then does have the added bonus of bringing attention to her work. She

Yes! I am not against movie violence, or movies depicting criminals as sympathetic characters necessarily, but this just seemed to glamorize criminals, guns, violence, Sean Penn, hookers, strippers, murder, guns, more guns, and more violence just because.

bell hooks stands out to the general public (people who aren't up to speed on feminist theorists) BECAUSE of her name.

Man, I'm glad I wasn't a celebrity in my 20's. There would have been photos like this all over the place.

If Nic Cage hasn't bid on this yet I'd be shocked.

Thank you. The first time I saw this video today I was immediately reminded of my reaction to my sister's ex, who was an abusive, controlling, jealous, horrible person. When I would go off on him because I just couldn't take it anymore, she would stand by silently, afraid to say anything because whatever she said it

Definitely my most common dream. And I graduated from college nineteen years ago. NINETEEN!

This is definitely pretty common for wedding invitations. Dumb, but common.

Gross. These guys are definitely douche bags, but seriously, no one forced these women to ride the sex toy in public and it certainly doesn't seem as if the camera was hidden.

Yes, and I don't understand how this particular invention will work. Does one have to buy the raw materials needed to make the creams, powders, etc. and somehow install them in the printer? Or does the printer make those too? Out of what???

Just because the little x isn't red anymore doesn't mean you can't delete the apps, Melissa. Jeez...

But alas, according to the article, they are not doing well. My guess is the women you are talking about (I've seen them) work out so little they require only one sports bra, or they don't bother with a sports bra at all.