
I would not call the laxative effect "mild," personally.

Why does Huck keep bringing Olivia coffee? And why does she keep making that face when he does?

Oh yes... I remember that trick from my OG days back in the 90s. I always wondered if they ever figured out a way to keep that from happening!

Is John Travolta going to make a public apology to Idina Menzel or what???? Is everyone around him too afraid to point out his error? HOW CAN HE GET AWAY WITH WHAT HE HAS DONE!!!????

I am glad to hear from someone else who is involved with scouts but disagrees with them on this issue. I feel really conflicted about our involvement, but my 8 year old son really enjoys it and I don't want to pull him out because of my political and moral convictions on the no gay leaders issue. I am actually an

And now I know that I'm older than Justin Bieber's mom.

Yes! Are we the only ones who noticed the pile of dirty newspapers next to the guy's head? Ew!

I want to be the Band-Aid stuck in the drain of your emotional swimming pool.

This was my immediate question as well. I think someone made some bad (shimmery) makeup choices that don't translate well in photos.

I am confused about how the president and First Lady have enough time to keep up with more TV shows than I can.

Thongs typically end up in the wearer's butt crack, right? I'm expecting a "Miley Cyrus hospitalized with e coli poisoning" article tomorrow.

I liked it enough that I remember several details, which is more than I can say for most random mysteries I read. I'm going to pre-order this one!

I'm starting wonder if he actually exists in black and white.

My eight year old son.

That's pretty much what I expected. It does not sound soothing at all.

Wait, the script was called Head On?

That was my first thought. Is that a t-shirt dickie? A bib?

I'm seeing the long space at the end of the article on my iPhone.

You know what is making me uncomfortable? All of these stock photos of dirty feet sticking out from under blankets.

So does this mean you will find yourself stroking and cuddling your Ultimate G vibrator while moving into a dream state?