
Yeah, I took the pill for a long time, often forgot multiple days in a row, never had a single scare, and thought I probably had fertility problems. Then I went off the pill and tried to get pregnant in my 30's and conceived on the first try both times. So nope, just really lucky I guess.

Oooh Marlena has a son who's a priest now? Does he know about the demonic possession of 1995?

Didn't Beyonce already do this once?

Am I the only one who thinks the creator of these shirts is not a native English speaker? These read an awful lot like the spam comments I have to sift through for the corporate blog I run.

No, you are not alone. This one was particularly terrible. This was her moment to talk about the work she does! And it was all about him "I" this and "I" that. UGH!

It reminds me of the girl in the ZZ Top "Legs" video, which made even less sense given the big hair of the day. I am old.

I want to know why the stripper didn't capitalize "lot" and "just." What does it mean????

I think it only looks quite so smooth and hard because of the fuzziness of the photo and the lighting. If it were closeup in HD with fluorescent lighting I doubt it would look like that. I'm sure genetics helps though.

Absolutely, I don't think this removes the cunnilingus connection AT ALL. And really, why does everyone assume it was from Catherine Zeta Jones' genital warts? I'm sure the man started cunnilinging before Catherine was even born. She probably has genital warts now, though, right? If he carried the virus on his

Yeah, I think you articulated exactly what I was coming down here to say.

As the mother of an almost 8 year old boy I find this story both questionable and deeply disturbing at the same time.

Me too. My kids are here with me half the time I'm working and my house looks waaaaay worse than this one!

I know, right? I just read it out loud to my husband and he did not seem to think it was funny. Glad to see I'm not the only one.

I believe that was a joke.

Sure, it might have been better if she was humping the stage or masturbating with a crucifix or even a foam hand for that matter, if it wouldn't have been so poorly executed. What she did just wasn't sexy. She needs to hire (or fire) a choreographer and maybe consult with some good PR people about what might come

Yes, there's that, and I have no problem with Miley wanting to be sexy/slutty/whatever like a million other performers before her to break out of her Disney star box. But like YetAnotherFuckingName said above, it was poorly executed. Very poorly executed.

You know, I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw everyone freaking out on FB about Miley last night. Then I finally got to see the whole thing during the encore performance... I think the difference was that Miley was just awkward with the whole thing. Was it even choreographed at all? She was just jumping

This was totally me. The haircut somehow ended up looking more like Carol Brady's though, and the 70's were definitely NOT cool at the time. It was a nightmare.

Yes, just coming here to say that. I was really intrigued by the Hawkeye and the Hulk.