No, it's not weird. I did it too. I have taken my sons in the shower with me also, although now that they are getting a little bit older I have my husband do it.
No, it's not weird. I did it too. I have taken my sons in the shower with me also, although now that they are getting a little bit older I have my husband do it.
I will never perform karaoke in public unless I can somehow pull this off:
And the Beyonce/H&M story - WTF? Have they seen the infamous Superbowl photos? While facially unflattering, I admit, they prove that this woman is in about the best shape a woman can be in. Her body is my personal ideal and it is undoubtedly one of the things she is famous for. Why on earth would they mess with…
The latest Amanda Bynes story is reminding me an awful lot of a horrible recurring dream I used to have where I suddenly found myself in another city having no idea how I got there, feeling confused and ashamed and unaware that I had taken any drugs. Please get well Amanda! As a parent, I can't imagine how terrible…
This is the type of desperation closeted/trying to quit smokers will find themselves in. Believe me. I've been there :|
My thoughts exactly. If this is the case why would any celebrity endorse anything ever???
I would be pretty angry if I were actually a victim of a crime and got this half-assed sketch artist. Is he for real?
My husband and I started calling each other "sweetie" a reeeaaaaallly long time ago (we've been together 15 years, married for 12). I cringe just writing it. I know my friends and family absolutely have to make fun of us behind our backs (I know I would) but it's almost like a reflex now. We pretty much only call…
I used to dream Scramble with Friends. I had to stop so I could get some peace.
Absolutely. When I have a deadline and have to work until the wee hours of the night (like I will tonight, for instance, thanks to all this procrastinating on Jezebel), I sleep for shit. Every other night I read books on my back lit Kindle Fire and have no problems sleeping at all.
Yes, I haven't even seen season 4 yet but it is quite clear to me that the "plastic surgery" is not real.
This is exactly what I'm wondering. Like, hasn't anyone in a meeting about this decision decided to speak up and suggest this might be a bit of a problem, given the name of the show?
He does have a few male friends he occasionally sees during the day but they are guys with flexible work schedules rather than SAHDs. For the most part he is pretty isolated and it's not a particularly great situation for him.
I'm a breadwinner mom! My husband is a stay at home dad (by choice). Many people seem to have a hard time comprehending this, especially older people, who think he is simply taking advantage of me.
I don't think she's sober (the weed is everywhere - hello!), but I think something much more serious like schizophrenia or even dissociative identity disorder is involved here. It's truly sad and scary that no one is intervening to get her the help she obviously needs.
I don't think Joan's decision has been rendered completely meaningless. She is still a partner, after all.
Why don't women get onsite tailoring and multiple inseam lengths? Is this based on the old fashioned notion that women have the skills (and time) to tailor their own clothes? As a 4'11" woman with a sizable booty these features would make shopping sooooo much easier for me.
Reese Witherspoon's PR rep is really doing an amazing job with this arrest scandal.
I have a rescued pit bull who is the biggest cuddler ever. She just wants to cuddle and give kisses all the time, sometimes to the point that it is annoying. However, she does not know how to handle herself around small dogs and cats. She seems to think they are chew toys. She has never injured one because we've…