
It cracks me up. I have childhood memories of runny plum jam and rusty nails stored in mason jars, so I don't really have that nostalgic streak about them.

My parents live in the country. People tend to drop unwanted pets off in the country. This is Max. He showed up recently and won't leave their sunroom. Tonight Max bit me on the leg because I wouldn't go back inside when he was trying to herd me through the door. Their were some coyotes outside and he was protecting

I kind of love this show, not just because of the assortment of actors and actresses (and Jessica Lange, always and forever), but because every episode is ridiculous and looks like it's jumping the shark. It's exciting in a way that other shows aren't, because anything can and will happen. It's also dark, but without

Natasha Lyonne and I share a similar fitness routine.

Its not really relevant... I just wanted to be selfish and talk about me a bit.


Different strokes, I guess. When I killed an unarmed teenager, it brought my wife and I closer together.

I want to write a short story about Jolene and Dolly running off together because a) amazing b) Dolly clearly has a thing for Jolene and c)why would either of them want to be with the asshole boyfriend?

"oh the paparazzi, they follow me everywhere. they won't let me be great!" Kanye, Lindsey, Amanda.

The way I hear it, Prince George doesn't even hold his own head weight up! He has other people do it for him!

Nothing like a baby to normalize people of a Higher Ranking - celebrities, the rich, the pampered. Don't get me wrong; they can afford nannies and I'd say often don't have the same full frontal experiences of in-the-trenches parents but babies and kids don't give a shit who you are. They will demand your attention

you aren't sure Amanda bynes needs more public attention? You guys write about her 20x a day.

Couldn't be that she was being sarcastic or anything, huh?

Hell yes. I don't even really understand her advice— are you supposed to sleep with him the first night or wait for the 3rd date? Not talk about anything, or talk about important stuff while witholding? Go ahead and spread eagle but STFU about it?

Someone else has already explained what was in the Trump tweet but what's really odd — in a Jezebel context — is that it was initially part of tonight's Tweet Beat but got taken down in very short order.

You are not alone! I even started singing it when I saw it!