What is it with these idiots and not understanding the problem with the ending isn't due to a single cause? Why is it so hard to understand the problem isn't only with what the ending was but also how they went about it?
What is it with these idiots and not understanding the problem with the ending isn't due to a single cause? Why is it so hard to understand the problem isn't only with what the ending was but also how they went about it?
"You know why everyone's up in arms about Mass Effect 3's ending? Because it doesn't mean what they want it to."
Right, ultimately it's up to Bioware/EA to decide on what their response will be. People can apply pressure but no one is forcing Bioware/EA to commit to an expanded ending or even to acknowledge there's a problem.
Look, if the whole thermal clip retrofit that was somehow able to affect the ENTIRE galaxy everywhere, even parts that are "lost" and has no contact with the rest of galactic civilization, didn't bother you, break immersion, and shatter your suspension of disbelief, an expanded ending isn't going to do shit.
Because flashy pictures and people whose livelihood depend on people buying the game tell me to.
Depends entirely on how much you're invested into the games and how much you care about consistent and coherent storytelling. If you don't really care about either, not that bad. If you're the least bit interested in good writing, yes that bad.
Mass Effect 3 Super HD Remake Turbo Remix: Director's Cut?
Nintendo likes their original control schemes and designs their games around it. The fact that the CPP was launched for Capcom games and no Nintendo games should say a lot about how much Nintendo actually wants this peripheral. Even the Zapper and Wheel were attached to Nintendo games and those were nothing but…
What makes you think EA cares about the community? They don't even care about maintaining the quality of their developers and franchises. They know people will buy it and that's all that matters. It's all business. Doesn't matter if they lose a quarter if their audience if the remaining three quarters are willing to…
I'm all for removing power from publishers but... consumers are willing to PAY for the privilege of the possibility of PAYING for something later.
I think this is it: [pastebin.com]
They wanted to surprise people who got their hands on the leaked story and didn't like it.
"is the ending or the journey more important?"
It's a rupture between gaming media and the community. The media is supposed to act as a moderator and bridge between community and industry and a voice of the community. With ME3 the major outlets have shown that they do not have any idea where the community is coming from and dismissed their complaints outright as…
Appeal to what PC gamers like. Do something new for the platform. Lower the price. Make a fuck-awesome demo. Bundle stuff with it; it costs them nothing to include something like Borderlands 1 and DNF with the game using DD. Everyone loves free shit. Show us clearly with no PR bullshit how it's going to be an…
"Sure there's a certain amount of capitalization and financial exploitation, but it's nothing compared to many other industries and entertainment mediums."
"Kind of a "mean" analogy, but in some ways being a gamer is kind of like being a drug addict; we want more, for less, we're trying to get a certain result from the game we're playing (sometimes we get it... other times we don't), and half the time, we get angry when something doesn't quite go the way we thought it…
Why should we forgive them? You screw up, you live with the consequences. Gamers need to stop being so damn soft with gaming companies. They aren't entitled to our money, this is business and they should earn it back. Words are cheap and actions speak louder than words. The fact that you have to buy the game to see if…
If we have no choice but to accept publishers holding power over publications, publications need to man up, do away with exclusive content and publisher perks, and regain their integrity.
ME3 has sixteen different endings in the same way that Fallout 3 had two hundred endings.