
You should swing by the Bioware forums, there's no shortage of people "debating" whether the ending was bad. Simply saying "people are saying" doesn't actually make it the general direction the discussion is heading towards. People are saying that the game sucks because of homosexuals too.

Just because the ending is terrible doesn't mean it needs to be changed.

What else would they spend money on? Giving Tali a unique design?

I don't think anyone is saying that it shouldn't be criticized. Even the most ardent Biodrone is complaining about the ending of the story.

"Phew, glad they didn't try to pull this BS on me in Fallout 3."

Finally, finally, finally. Kotaku actually has an article showing that at least one person on the team understand this issue and they haven't completely lost touch with the community and still actually plays games for reasons beyond work.


It's not what people like to think, it's how Bioware/EA tried to sell the game. I haven't had any delusions that we were going to get drastically different endings with ME3 since ME2 2 years ago and everything that has happened since then. And while I would like to laugh at people for naively believing the current

Now playing

This is after the Earth part. Deal with TIM, have the extended chat with Anderson if you made the right choices, and leave it off as an ambiguous ending.

At least she actually finished the game and saw the endings before commenting on it unlike Jason.

You could just pretend the game ended after dealing with TIM.

Matrix trilogy? What trilogy? It only had one movie.

The ending we saw from the story leaks were a lot better than the ones we got. Bioware did say that the leaks weren't going to be the real ones but I didn't expect them to replace them with worse endings. IIRC there are actually sound files in the game that supports it; there are audio files for joker during the end

"No matter how terrible Mass Effect 3's conclusion may be (I haven't seen it yet), it's the ending that developer BioWare chose. It's their story."

lol, MaleShep's voice acting is so bad in comparison. That first "We did it sir"... I really dodged a bullet by playing FemShep all those years ago.

This is Owen. You're more likely to actually get Bioware to add in a new ending. For free.

Or you could just play MP for a bit, get the galactic readiness up, and get the same ending as a person that imported their character since ME1. When people complain about choices it's about the build-up from all three games. The endings are only locked out because you didn't play MP enough.

Don't know if this was posted before but I'll post it again anyways for people that aren't going to look through 300 posts. Forbes article on the issue.

Mass Effect was about YOUR game and YOUR story based on YOUR decisions and YOUR actions. Up until the last 20 minutes when it become THEIR story and THEIR ending.

"keep raging child, keep raging."