I do something similar with my middle school students, but using Lego Mindstorms. I might use Blockly as an even simpler intro to programming, to then get them to apply what they learn to program their robots.
I do something similar with my middle school students, but using Lego Mindstorms. I might use Blockly as an even simpler intro to programming, to then get them to apply what they learn to program their robots.
VOTE: [Thesixtyone.com]
... and yet all the comments in the original post are from last week? Colour me confused...
I find it interesting that the original essay (as would appear by the via link at the bottom of the post) was published in June 2010. I wonder what prompted the Powers-That-Lifehack to bring it to our attention now.
I think what susanbeth is saying is that the "Superfocus system" is not reviewed, yet listed in the poll as an option... whereas the "Action method" gets a review, but no poll option.
Herr Schmidt, you are most kind! Thank you!
That sounds like quite a good idea, thanks for the tip! Does DVDShrink / Handbrake automate the naming of the resulting files, or do I have to add the name manually to each of them? I like using theRenamer afterwards to make sure things end up sorted in the exact right place.
The thing about ISOs (correct me if I'm wrong) is that they don't play as nicely with XBMC in terms of indexing episodes, scraping info etc. But thanks for the suggestion!
After following several guides on LH, I now have a nice XBMC-based media centre and a nice library. I am also OK using either MakeMKV or Handbrake to import my DVD movies. But I am stumbling with TV show box sets.
Totally OT, but I am digging the customised Lifehacker/Gmail logo on your screenshot.
I don't know about others, but let me tell you how I use mail merge.
Would you mind if I am that guy who points out the correct spelling is "déja vu"?
Oh, that's a bummer! I was really hoping I could start using it with my secondary students too!
In the parts of Europe where I have lived (Spain and now Switzerland) the options are 95 octane (the standard "Super") or 98 octane.
Is it part of the "Top Secret" theme that no. 1 is concealed as no. 3? ;)
How much effort do you put in having clean tags for your music? Do you go as far as the genre, or even the author... or is artist and album enough?
I'm assuming there are four bytes in a "tetrabyte"?
The semicolon trick worked beautifully in MediaMonkey; thanks! XBMC replaces it with a slash and still keeps it as a separate entry, but you can't always win...
Oooh, the "higher than J:" is a good thing to try... I used to have my USB on E: and my optical on F - will try that and see if they stay put. Thanks!
I tend to use Mediamonkey for tagging, and either MM itself or XBMC for playback. But even when looking at the properties for a track, I can't seem to find a way to add multiple "Artist" lines. I know I can always do a "search" to find all those tracks that include one or the other, but still...