I think that just points what RPMs you were doing before you changed gears, kind of like in the LFA. Don't quote me on that, though.
I came here to post that. :P
If your car doesn't have it, worst case scenario is that you forget to turn them on and get a ticket, or make people angry on your way. You will realize it at some point. If your car does have it, the shadow of a building or a short underpass can trigger your lights, which will drive you mad.
It's the one thing I hate about driving to that part of town.
Neutral: Tired Of Being In The Grey? Do a text annotation reply to this article and explain what an ATS or Escalade Vsport model might be like and I'll try to "follow" you for Jalopnik so you're no longer in the review box.
Same goes for turbochargers. They've only gained popularity on gasoline cars within the last few years (mainstream cars, anyways) whilst many diesels have had them for decades (nearly a century, actually).
...and "my" Cavalier (technically it was dad's) was used as the trade-in for your Dart.
...and anyone who owns a non-iOS phone (Android, Windows, etc.) will face endless compatibility issues.