
Then do 50% of post tax income.... all I want to say is that whatever savings rate most people have in their head which they think is 'reasonable' is drastically lower than what they could achieve.

It would be better to save +50% I am not personally there yet. But I am rapidly approaching it. Completely possible.

It is, when you are talking about RRSP's and IRA's . Both of those accounts in Canada and the US respectively, have annual limits to the amount you can invest. These account are the investment vehicles you put your money into. Having separate accounts means you can invest twice as much because the limits are per

So you can max out each account and maximize your return. No point in only have one account active when you could have two and save twice as much.

Or you could spend a fraction of the price on a used car. No Loan. Invest the rest of your money, and take care of the car.

I would agree with him in general.

I think what you mean to say is you need to build good credit. That's right buy something on credit, then instantly pay it off with the money you have. That's what rich people do.

Thank You

Sounds like you have a very stupid attitude when it comes to your kids. Smarten up, they love you, you should love them back.


This seems like a really stupid idea. Its not like you have Variable Bills because you have variable income. So you shouldn't have a variable savings plan either. Live below your means!

I have been looking into this more. I wonder if its not just a very elaborate publicity stunt by NameCheap. Just saying.

Right. You obviously have no children. Our new baby is in cloth diapers and breast feeding. We get about $200 from our Canadian Government in Child Benefits per month. So we're actually making money at the moment.

Try google helpouts. New service.

You Realize the give away 53% of that? And they save 34% between retirement and savings?


What about up then down? You said in another post space elevators have been thought about. I also understand that the Musk guy also thought up space tourism. Maybe a link?