
As an Oakland resident, I feel like as Schaaf has handled this well. Have I missed something?

What’s wrong with Walnut Creek?

The cash should come from police retirement funds, not taxpayers.

some time in the mid-90s I fell out of my bunk bed and hit my head. My parents took me to the ER, and the doctors asked me various questions to determine my mental status. One of them was “Who’s in charge at the White House?” I deadpanned “Hillary” and had the whole ER laughing. I was seven or eight.

Absolutely disgusting. The NBA and ABC should be ashamed for exposing their audience to that disgusting, pitiful, wrinkled excuse for a penis, and on national television no less. But enough about Joey Crawford, lets talk about this LeBron thing too.

Looks like the Cavs are coming up short.

The jump and landing is not the part scared me: "he's going to land there? Oh gross"

Nobody sponsors me when I purposely total vehicles.

Now playing

Cute, but this cat is the best door opener in the entire world.

TED writers Chris Colin and Rob Baedeker sound socially awkward.

Is this, like, your first time on a tech blog?

I think your complaining about a tech writer's critique of a tech company on a tech blog might be even bigger. But hey, you got to use an overused expression, so bonus hip points to you!

I always thought cops could use phones, smoke signals, semaphore flags or whatever to communicate while on duty.

When will a Dog speak out against violence in the dog community?

no matey,you are confusing proper old style architects with the modern breed of designers calling themselves architects when they are no such thing.

What are you smoking. Architects don't just "Design". They are involved in construction of the project too.

Do YOU know what an Architect does should be the question.

You are a sports figure. Your face is on a Wheaties box. General Mills is careless about the hygene in their factory so several people die every week because of spoiled Wheaties.

Fountains recirculate the same water over and over again.

Kilometers of sidewalk can be poured in a day, same with sod rolled out. Those buildings are all precast and will go together like Lego. The sewers only have to last two weeks, really, they lay pipe and as long as it's at least 0.5% slope down then it's all good, they probably designed the pipe diameter larger than