
It couldn’t be more obvious if dude signed the threatening dm “Chad.”

“cuck husband” also seems like a very white guy insult.

Not only that, but that white dude has watched a lot of pornography. Like, an unhealthy amount.

Being white must be fucking horrible. They’re scared of everything.

“A suspicious man is pushing a pram on the bike path!”

Not to mention Emmett Till.

John Crawford and Tamir Rice were both killed by police officers called in by someone. So it’s too late for “gonna”

Don’t get me started on my sister, mainly because anything I’d say would somehow get back to her. She is the devil Thoughts & Prayers

Becca: “Hello, slave catchers? I just saw a negro with a mulatto child, I think he stole it. What do you mean he’s probably the dad? BLACK MEN CAN’T BE FATHERS! Also, come quick, I think the baby has a gun!” 🙄😒

There was a story about a black police officer literally investigating a crime, and a white person called 911.

Oh, fuck these people.

True story:

I’m starting to think that white folks are just trolling black people now.

Sure wish they were this observant (re: suspicious) when deciding to vote for Trump. “Hello, I’d like to report a dainty-handed lech in the park attempting to grab random women’s pussies. Yes; he’s wearing some sort of cotton candy hat.”

I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

As I said to KC, I thank you for your efforts, but not for the news. Not till that sentence is appealed and that judge reprimanded for an obvious and egregious miscarriage of justice, anyway.

That is the laugh of a kid who knows the system is fucked, knows he’s getting locked up for no reason, and knows the actual cop who committed the actual murder got off free.

I’m tired, so damn tired of this injustice.

Why is it zero sum? I care about both. I don’t eat meat as well. Caring about horrific conditions for dogs in Korea is not hypocritical in any way.