At least he’s making awful music and not, you know, running for election.
At least he’s making awful music and not, you know, running for election.
Oh you sweet summer child. Everyone knows DC refuses to acknowledge Stephanie Brown exists almost to spite of her fanbase. At best they’ll only barely acknowledge her depending who’s writing the Bat Books.
What I find insane about this whole thing is that Epic does have a somewhat fair point in regards to the appstore monopoly but their chosen action as a multi-billion dollar company of manipulating kids and acting like a scrappy underdog make you want them to lose regardless.
I mean let’s call the kettle black streamers you guys get mega ad revenue from companies and yet you’ll still peddle for donations from fans who think they are helping support you when it really is just padding your bottom line.
This article misses the reason for the lawsuit.
This is legit all just one cynical & theatrical ploy to mobilize a bunch of pre-pubescent children with their parents credit cards to practice cancel-culture against Apple on their behalf, because they have 0 legal ground to push back on this. The whole lawyering up thing is an empty vessel. I don’t get to sue my…
If there really was NO reason, he and his attorneys would have sued Twitch for breach of contract. They haven’t, so there is a reason, and he doesn’t want to discuss it.
He broke California law (and looked like a creep doing it), repeatedly fed his audience false conspiracies and has played much of it off as a joke. He honestly must know why he was banned. Otherwise he’s a massive idiot.
I feel like this headline is meant to whip up Nintendo fans into a tizzy.
You’re mad because the protagonist in this game is not black and the white dude you were forced to play as doesn’t have 21st century wokeness?
“You think you do, but you don’t”
“a 500 billion dollar techno-city funded by Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.”
“trading credit default swaps”
While I do agree with you that the tactics used by the armed forces in the USA for recruitment purposes are predatory, I think there is value in joining a branch.
Ghost Of Tsushima is proof that compression and optimization isn’t “worthless” in this modern era as some people say. This is dev time allocated appropriately, and makes a better game because of it.
It’s patently unfair. :P
The fact that a third of the video is just him spending hours trying to figure out how to organize the cables of the liquid cooler’s radiator is disturbingly relatable.
Yeah, he almost certainly knows why he was banned by Twitch. He’s probably playing victim knowing the other party won’t call him out on it unless he opens himself up to further liability, or at least trying to keep himself in the news while making as little as will garner attention.
I just want the gross racial stuff gone. I want to see hot asian people fuck without gross “me so horny” things. I wanna see hot black people fuck without gross “bull” references. I’d also like the misogyny gone. And the incest.