He’s the KING of Pain!
He’s the KING of Pain!
now is the time to DCA and hodl!!!
Discovery goes both ways. It’s just as likely that he’ll be able to prove the conspiracy element via it. All he needs is 1 email from Magnus to Chess.com about banning Neimann
It’s the only way to be sure.
This news is going to please the worst people.
Buffet is famously hands-off with his holdings. He sure as hell ain’t telling the finance guy at a Nissan dealer in AZ to fluff up ad-ons...
It sounds like something Jackie Chiles from Seinfeld would say. “Unlawful, unfair...Fraudulent!”
Wait so he signed on the dotted line, but he failed to read the fine print over an issue he trolled Twitch for on his way out?
Yup. I’m not a porn consumer, but I’d much rather see porn and other sex work legitimized than crypto.
Sensing a grave disturbance of the Farce — the invisible ties that bind all politicians together — a nearly 80-year-old Joe Lieberman rouses himself from watching episodes of Vera on Acorn with a simple phrase:
Naw, it’s rich people’s math. She leveraged a million dollars. Poor people don’t have a million dollars.