Pettyrevenge, Prorevenge and just about any other “story” subreddit are 98% fiction. This is fiction.
Pettyrevenge, Prorevenge and just about any other “story” subreddit are 98% fiction. This is fiction.
Righy Reichy.
There’s a photo of them playing Tetris on brick Gameboys via link cable that made the rounds on twitter yesterday. Adorable as fuck
It’s probably going to be Origin only on PC?
Epic doesn’t get a pass on missing features because they’re new in 2019. It’s fucking Epic Games. They literally have a game and an engine that print them money. They could afford to implement all those features fairly quickly if they wanted to. It’s not hard to figure out what all these services have in common, and…
I basically only use Steam to launch&buy games. Occasionally the forums and guides to look up something I’m missing. What parts of the greater experience are so bad?
potential licensing issues, game useless without servers. Idk, I’ve never played it.
Blaze can still suplex, and is THICC, so I’m cool with that. Though, I noticed they went with the less sexy NA version of the sprites for their art base. the JA version of Electra has skin showing instead of hoisery
Steam wasn’t fully featured when it was released...almost 16 years ago.
Yeah. The feature wall is what ruins it for me. Everything else can stay, for my taste.
Or Saints Row. Particularly 1 and IV. But really all of them have the same sort of arc, in that regard.
I’m disappointed the Mr X one didn’t make it for Scariest
Pretty sure Cytheria is the squirt queen. She was doing that before it was cool
Your granddad was a wise man.
Sure they did. I’m not even in a top line guild, nor was I at the time, but I playtested Lord Rhyolith in Firelands. They definitely played when it was open on the PTR. Mythic raids are crazy fucking difficult, as evidenced by the hundreds of attempts. They’re also doing it probably slightly undergeared, trying…
Autoplaying video is bullshit. I had to figure out what was playing in the background of another video halfway through, because I was going to read this article in a few minutes.
Awkward Zombie nails the RE2Remake experience.
Don’t even need to do that. just walk past the lickers. They’re blind, so if you don’t make much noise, they can’t find you.
Wii Fit trainer does kinda seem like she’d call the cops on black teens.
I have a couple personal grievances with the Epic Launcher.