Police report the rabbit survived the beating and is recovering.
Honestly? It's both.
A lot of guys - and to be honest, it's mostly guys - buy into a lot of bullshit when it comes to dating, whether it's the classic "women only like assholes" or the Friend Zone or the idea that women are "the gatekeepers" of sex.
My philosophy when it comes to dating is that you do much better when…
You know what, I have a question, Dr. Nerdlove. So many of these questions that you address boil down basically to "I treat women like objects, but they don't react like objects. Why?" That is to say, so many of your answers end up needing to include baseline information like "He's not your competition because this…
I'm not saying that I want Nintendo to drop the cost to some crazy rock-bottom price. I'm saying that given that there's a $200 refurb now, it's not out of the question for the price to drop $50 over the next 2-3 years.
No need to be insulting. I make more than enough money to buy one at full price but it's just not worth it to me at full price.
It's true but as I mentioned to someone else in this weird group chat thread thing, I don't really have enough time to play the games I want to on the systems I already own. When and if I get a Wii U, it will be to play a small number exclusives so I don't want to put too much money into it since I certainly don't…
Custom looking consoles don't really appeal to me all that much. For a system that I will likely only play a few exclusives on, cost will be the biggest deciding factor.
I saw that but $200 is still just a bit too high for me. I barely have enough time to play all the PS4 and Vita games I want to play so I'm not in a rush. By the time Zelda comes out I'm hoping that a $125-150 refurb is a thing since I'm sure it will be a while until Zelda comes out.
You're Buying a Wii U Now, Right?
thought it needed to be posted
Path of Exile, play a Templar. No pants.
The controller isn't even close to being done, the model they're showing was completely 3D-Printed.
Maybe this will get some people to realize how and why consoles hold back gaming so badly.
1500 dollars? Hm, I dunno man, I know people who built PCs two years ago for 800 bucks tha are better than today's consoles, I bet if you built those computers now it'll come out to something around the same price as these new consoles.
Less powerful than $500 PCs too.
It's not Kotor 3. It is still not what I want.
it's a Radler, always has been, always will be
To all the people who hate this graphical style. Who cares. People that grew up playing games like Prince of Persia or the original Gauntlet get a nice feeling of nostalgia when we see it. There are plenty of 60 dollar games with multi million dollar budgets you can go out and play. It doesn't hurt to have such a…
Does it really matter how it looks? I mean shouldn't how fun it is matters more?