
The issue is that gender is a continuum, but our society treats it as binary. What this means is that if you fit on either extreme of the spectrum, you're totally fine. If you're in the middle, then you're actually not that far from where society expects you to be. Of course, many people who think of themselves as

I'm amazed you can even find the boobs on the right attractive in any way shape or form. They look fake. I've met enough fantastic boobs in real life to know what they look like in all those poses.

Hell, every astronaut knows she needs to bring a good pair of heels with her.

Thanks for posting!

The way the census data is collected anyone who self-identifies as either latino or hispanic gets put in the same group. And yes, because that group can overlap across all racial groups it is counted somewhat separately. And yes the 63.7% number was an improper classification because it doesn't match the way that Jez

Nobody with any sense is looking at this article and saying, "Well now I'm enraged about the fashion industry". There are certainly other things that make me more upset. This seems just par for the course. I'd rather Jez ran an article about discrimination against women in the music industry, but whatevs, we don't all

True, but it's definitely not representative of US demographics. They seem to be overrepresenting white and asians while underrepresenting hispanics and african-americans.

Wikipedia has the last census data showing 63.7% being white, non-hispanic.

"Welp, guess it's time to whip out some of those Origin games I bought and then immediately regretted purchasing"

Not cool Brad, not cool.

Wow, you took a sentence with multiple parts and summed it up with a word that appeared in one of them. Amazing.

I've not used iMovie before. Once upon a time I was using FinalCut, but that one is pretty pricy. I'd start taking the video and then spend some time looking at what is out there within your price range. There's definitely something out there if it turns out iMovie won't do what you need it to.

Never underestimate the lengths some people will go to.

The use of talent (for women) is clearly a waste of that talent.

As we all should be. Common symptoms include irritability and nausea.

It's surprisingly common and easily mistaken for other things. Causes redness, burning, swelling, and itching. Thank god for condoms!

Well the women these people want have just devoted their time instead to housework and being docile.

must be a failed wifey candidate, rather than, say, a grad student? Or a career-woman?

I'm too lazy to look it up, but I thought the 25 number was for prefrontal cortex development in men. I was under the impression that number for women was around 22.

If I shoot it inside you consider it the greatest compliment of all. You will feel an immediate buzz.