
@SpudDude: Either [] to manually check them or to get notifications back.

An entirely different thing -apart from the gross story below- that made me smile was to exchange beliefs and views with two girls. It is amazing how this can surprise you even if you know each other well.

@wjglenn: I looked it up for you. It is stil quite vague however.

@Sabbatai: Like I posted before; an article pirated =/= a sale lost.

@behrens: I'm glad that someone can agree with me when I post something like this.

@Sabbatai: I am quite annoyed with the fact that everyone states that a copy pirated equals a lost sale.

@wjglenn: Yes the law generally changes in longer time periods, however there have been events where the law has been changed within 24 hours of something critical.

@wjglenn: I think that the fact that people believe in something is just as holy as what they believe in. In other words, I'm not going to try to change your opinion.

@wjglenn: "You wouldn't steal a..."

@Bitsbite: I'm intrigued, may I ask why?

@themikey: Again, I'm not trying to justify pirating, but your analogy and my story. I think you can figure the difference by yourself.

@Tyler Murry: I knew I would get a comment like that. I won't try to justify it, I know it is wrong up to a certain extent.

First off; I'm in High-School and I don't have a lot of cash. I am simply not wealthy enough to buy every thing I watch/listen/use even if I wanted to.

@drongch: Their music is something you'll need to get into, I think. When a friend linked me to them -that was 4 years ago- I really didn't like their music.

@tacotime: I'm sorry I just have to promote this.