
@Platypus Man: Every time I get a comment from another person stating that I have "few" FB friends -like 170 of them- I tell them about the privacy issues that arise when you have a secondairy network that leaps into the 50.000's. Most of the time they will then ask me if I can fix it for them.

@saga915: Going to see them live in July (yeah I had to brag about that :-)

@chiruanna: I take it that avoiding those boot ups that take full blown ice-ages is more important than having access to an entire archive of data.

@y0urm0msname: Any answer you will get here will be prone to subjectiveness. Just pick a company from that list you seem to like. They all have plans that fit your needs.

@kilodelta6: I'm not a lady, but I can tell you that red roses are traditional. You can of course go a bit off from this. Blue roses are a symbol of love and prosperity, I think your wife/girlfriend will appreciate them.

@Mr.Gawn: Lifehacker isn't going to keep the new layout. See;

@Anonymous is Incognito: The tip itself doesn't seem to work for me, actually. I just went on creating that script and I was confused when I found out it didn't work out as planned.

@illegal3alien: Thank you for the suggestion. I whipped up a simple script if you are interested. See the post above.

EDIT: Whoops, now it breaked, removed links as of now. Sorry for the unnecessairy post.

It seems great, but is there any way to automate this?

Don't you guys also think this could be a quite decent replacement for the new layout?