
The Purse Horder (aka Spot) agrees with Forest Cat

The Robb Stark figure should come with an interchangeable dire wolf head

"Toast" Here´s to dreams for slightly unrealistic weapon setups! =)

Your offering is just as interesting as the article. Thank you for sharing.

Something I for got. Try the web comic Gunnerkrigg Court. Several of the characters practice long sword not only as sport but for serious purposes. Take a look at Chapter 17.

Now playing

You can sot a few highlights of a smaller American fighting a giant Frenchman at the International Medieval Combat Federation world championships this year in this clip. Our guy won that fight .


Thanks Lauren! I admire your commitment and thank you for the information.

They are different kind of sneaky... German aim armor weakness the fastest way possible (The eyes Boo! Aim the eyes!), Italian will grab the opponent weapon or arm or estoc feet or hands because they are easier targets.

Well... I did completely destroy a back porch that had been rotting away behind my ouse at one time. (Well, not QUITE rotting, but well beyond economic repair.) It was about 12 feet wide by 60 feet from one end of the house to the other. Took me about 3 hours with a Bastard Sword.

it cannot be compared with Eastern Martial arts

Thanks for the post Lauren. I totally want to get involved more with HEMA. I've done Fencing and Rapier for years, with the occasional Buckler, Dagger, or Cloak. While I have has a few rare chances at the long-sword, recently I have become quite fascinated with Pole Axes. Would you happen to have any

"claidheamh mor" - basket-hilted broadsword or "Claymore"

Man, I am loving all these swordswomen getting into this. This is fantastic. All the feels!

Hi Lauren. Abbie from Utah here. We have a small group of HEMA fighters that meets every Saturday. Glad to see it getting the attention it so richly deserves!

They've been doing this in Europe for quite a while I think, on a competition level that is.

Looks like fun.