
So... does this mean we're getting the fourth season on Netflix Instant Streaming now?

I gotta tell you, Copenhagen is pretty much the best place I've ever been. Not been to either HK or Tokyo so can't speak for those, but Copenhagen - what a city.

I wonder if the creator of this video was trying to see if they could break the content ID system on Youtube.

You're welcome! :) Happy to help.

I recently took up hammer and hawk fighting. If your into that sort of stuff it is actually pretty fun, excellent exercise, and another piece to add to the wall.

Hooray for western martial arts!

Where's your work/youtube video so we can compare?

I really like this comment. Just wanted to say that. Especially because it touches on something I've been discussing recently with some friends of mine.

I just got recommended by the AUTHOR!

Well, seomthing lose might be jolted back into position if you hit it, thouh the fancier things are, the more I doubt it will work. But I still made a purchase fo just such occassions... It's the tool on the right. ;)

You understand that Sokka's sword was black because it was fictional, right? Tony could've black-oxidized the blade if he wanted to — hell, he's done that for several of his builds, like Zangetsu.

That's odd... I could have sworn I posted... something... about... someone? My mistake.

See what guy?

I second secrets of the Viking sword. Pure awesome.

Man at Arms is a great series, and if you like it, I recommend finding the Nova episode "Secrets of the Viking Sword" about the ulfberht sword. Fascinating story about a real sword, with some older methods of forging that yield a great result. It is easy to find on YouTube.

The first military drone to fly overhead will see it and blow it out of existence.

I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. Soft pretzel type things make the world a better place. Sometimes, when no one is looking, I make my own pretzels. It is how I leave my mark on the world. Or something.

I'm definitely signing up for that. Why the hell wouldn't you? Even if you have to pay to get in, I will. I've never played DayZ, but I know for damn sure i'm interested in this.