
Buzzword terms only dumb down the general populace, but we can't do too much about it except do our part to encourage things to be named after animals. Falcon punch, elephant kick, and spider grasp, much better than a katana kick or naginata uppercut.

Oh no, I get it. They called a sword that isn't a falchion the Falchion. It's not as witty or clever as Sting or Needle. It just shows that many companies can use a good researcher and fact checker. We sword snobs will be happy to volunteer. :)

Correct, this falchion from the game is not a falchion. It's not any real sword from history, well nothing standard and functional until Man at Arms made it. Don't think of yourself as a sword snob, but rather, a sword aficionado. Or someone who likes history to be accurate as it progresses into modern pop culture. :)

Still proves that video game makers get things wrong. If I call a dog Riding Horse, I can't exactly put a saddle on the canine and take to the dusty trail... Call the character falchion and make him use a longsword, then we call it irony! Yeah. But... Ah whatever. :)

Tony's work is good, and it captures the sword well, though, my complaint is against video game designers for calling it a falchion when it isn't. But I am being picky, a know-it-all, etc etc. Falchions of course don't look like that and aren't used like that. But that's fine.
The good news of course is that in the

Well it all depends on the server. For the mod, there were so many versions. In some you could build homes, cooperate, go on missions and fight AI soliders, and more. Okay, you didn't have character stats, and death was death, but maybe it could be MMO+ or something. And then there was the set of RP servers for the

What. I use a few of those in my life, and they even fit! Swordplay gone wrong during sparring, ain't got time to bleed. I chew bubblegum and kick ass, too. ;)
A few were cheesy but wow, it appears to be the Arnold and Sly show in the clip, but very glad we got some Bruce in there. I am sure the list could add a

Period accurate fighting techniques? I have yet to see that in any game that has claimed or attempted them. As a student of western martial arts and historically accurate aka based on the fighting manuals of the middle ages and renaissance, I will be happy to judge this for good or ill when we see actual gameplay.

Nothing like this exists for actual fighting. Swords have to be light and well balanced to be fast enough for use. This thing is just a giant meat tenderizing ornament. Conan's atlantean sword, at eight pounds, would have been ignored by most trained fighters, of not all. There are a few scimitars, well, shamshirs and

I am ready. I played the mod back when you could just fall put of a chopper for no reason, and stuck with it for 19 months on and off until now. Why? I have no idea, but someting hooks me in, and I like it. The struggle. The frustration. The futility. But it makes me work for some sort of success, and in alpha, the

Okay, THAT is what I want out of a space game. Mechs and a bazillion Borderlands style space guns. Yeah! Space princess is happy. I was trying to watch it on Twitch but everyone still had bows and swords and I was confused by all of that. Still, what kind of spacecraft doesn't have an emergency kit with a stun gun and

So, I start with a spaceship which can teleport me to a planet, but I don't even get a stun blaster? Swords and bows are cool, sure, but come on, science fiction game, I want to know i can get a good blaster before I sink time into it. :) it's hard to be a space princess adventurer without a good ray gun of some sort.

I suspect that if you made a Poke-Ball on a stand that was lined inside with a blanket, that the cat would choose to sleep in there and complete the effect without the hassle. ;)

Point away! I speak some Danish (rather poorly at that) but don't really read or write it. It seemed better than just plain old Skal at the time. Noted, and thanks, :)

Well, there are a few options where I live in Calgary and age is no issue with the group I belong to. We train with most medieval weapon styles, or will over a three to four year period. And we spar with safety in mind, but we still spar with intent. Fencing masks and fun and bruises. if you want

Absolutely hooray! Best hobby/sport i ever stumbled into. Two years in and always go home feeling great. Mentally, anyway. :)

It will be something to mention to our instructor. We're just starting pole-axe as a way to break up various sword styles. Since we did half-swording as a means to deal with armour (we don't wear armour beyond fencing gear for thise times when we spar) and now pole axe, some hammer work would fit right in. And yes,

I like the sword. Is there a functional (that is carbon steel and somehwat balanced) version out there? I do prefer if I can actually drill with the swords I put on my walls, being a bit like Sif myself, in that I train in western martial arts. It's just more impressive when guests have questions and the tools on the

Very sad, that. A Gamecube can still provide lots of entertainment. I am sure somewhere I have an Animal Crossing save game file from my three months stint many years ago, and my town's residents still miss me... Destruction for the five second of entertainment value seems pointless when compared to that.

I deal in swords and medieval weapons, not explosives. Train in them, know how to use them, but I lack high soeed cameras and the will to wantonly destroy food. Sigh.