
It is a great example of a sword. Will it match the design of a video game? No, because this is designed to be real. It has those characteristics. The blade tapers a bit more toward the point, the colours match materials that would be used in a more traditional process of sword making, and so on and so on. The Man at

Western pole arms had tassels and bits on them as well, just below the head of the weapon, so it does exist in many places. Though the theory says that the tassels also helped absorb and redirect blood to keep the shaft of the weapon dry, and thus ensure it didn't slip from the hands of the one wielding said weapon.

Well I've used my Facebook account to log in here because I din't care who knows who I am. Bt on Twitter and in games, it's Lauren Danger, a name that i returned to time and again, that dates to 2000, while at a pub, playing NTN (hands up if you know what it is) and we were using danish words to use as player names,

That's a wonderful addition. It is very true that many think they'd be a burden, but for those friends and family members, it would not be a burden at all. If we all share these experiences, we'll make a difference. Thank you for adding yours to mine. Hopefully it helps even one person out there. That will be a great

Many of us who were once the picked on geeks and nerds, the wrong ones, the different and outcast ones, we have felt some level of this. I hope some of us who need it get to share here, and we can support one another.
I would like to share two of the best pieces of advice I have for kids when I do my safety

Some Vikings were pirates. If anything, they'd all get along quite well. Their only difference is a few centuries of time. :)

No, just purchased the parts for the spear (the hammer came assembled) and i'll just do the wood work to get everything assembled. I am not great at that but I like arts and crafts and this is, well, a different way to partake in arts and crafts! The doing is as much fun as the using. Mostly.

Hahaha okay I am laughing. The one in the middle is the end-cap for a spear, add a bit of counter balance and a blunt side to the weapon if you have the chance to swing that end and then it's a bit like a mace. It will be part of a norse hewing spear I am assembling, should I find a few more parts. If used for what

Well, seomthing lose might be jolted back into position if you hit it, thouh the fancier things are, the more I doubt it will work. But I still made a purchase fo just such occassions... It's the tool on the right. ;)

Had I money that was not dedicated to mortgages and bills and the essentials of life, i would want that for my collection. I y not watch the show, but I appreciate a well forged sword and that one is beautiful and effective. Covet! Want! Sad tears for not having the ability to own it. ;)

The blueing process, the treatment to make the sword black (deeper and deeper blue until it becomes black), takes a lot of work and with the cost, issues forging the original ingot, and the beautiful damascus pattern that came out on the metal, it probably wasn't practical to try and get the sword treated to the black

No video game can capture what real swordfighting is like. Best to save your funds and join a western martial arts class, put in the fencing mask, and reverse that long sword for a pommel first "murder-strike" to your opponent's head. Okay so that's what we learned last class and it's easy to counter and thus not

As a safety instructor, ten and eleven year olds are one of the groups ai get asked to visit, and some of the boys get excited when I mention how electricity lets us play video games, and they talk about CoD and GTA and from observing them, they are not ready or suited for these games. These are the fidgeting kids who

It looks like it will be a great Netflix choice for a Saturday afternoon. Silly, funny, pop culture references (punching sides of beef) and all that.

Well, maybe, but the bear has a lot of mass so will be a bit slower, so, um, step back out of the way, then in quick to attack that hand, and then all you have to worry about is a shield slam, claws, bear hug and big teeth. But you won't have to worry about the club anymore!
We are most certainly screwed. Yep.

Actually, those who could afford a sword would spend time learning to use it as a matter of prestige. There are training manuals, records of guilds, and accounts of fights in the streets between different groups who preferred different swords or styles. If you were conscripted into an army and given a sword, you'd get

Others have given good info, but the best way to see how it used to be done is to look up the PBS episode for Secrets of the Viking Sword which will show ou the old way of doing things, and there will be a few things you recognise from Man at Arms here. But the old ways were tricky! Hwever I think they look much

How true! No footwork at all! But then it's for a video so maybe they have to stand still so the focus just stays on the movement of the sword. Still, they could get the footwork in there n a few, show off some skills. It is not the weapon as much as the one who wields it, after all.

As a student of western martial arts, I can let you know that it's all foot and wrist work. Blades are light and balanced, and the whole body moves to use it. There are different techniques depending on sword wielded versus weapon and armour of the opponent. I's actually a lot to learn, but it is so much fun to learn

I am a bit kinder, as F2P means I will test it for a few days, maybe a week, say I played it, and abandon it for something else right quick. Besides, someone will make YouTube videos about all these free games anyway and we can watch someone else spend the money. Yay!