I just tried a sample of reindeer sausage a few days ago and it was delicious. I've tried elk, bison, and a few others, all delicious. And not too horribly priced in Scandinavian countries. It's all about the where I suppose.
I just tried a sample of reindeer sausage a few days ago and it was delicious. I've tried elk, bison, and a few others, all delicious. And not too horribly priced in Scandinavian countries. It's all about the where I suppose.
In this age, my rule is now: see it with my own eyes or it didn't happen. I don't even click on all the shared videos anymore. Sensational, viral video is generally fake video.
What can we do? He's trolling and we have to go under the bridge. What we need is a JJ doing a troll dance gif. Somewhere, he is cackling at all of us, and if we give in, he wins. if we shrug and go "whatever" then he looks silly.
It runs well enough for me. Lots of tapping and walking and the speed seemed fine though no major combat yet for me. Too tired! However, for ten bucks I'd say it's good.
I played a few minutes of the tutorial as a refresher and it seems fine so far. it let me give it some time with my own character and some actual game play. :)
Currently downloading onto my now iPad which is only a 2 and not any of the fancier new ones but I will still be eager to play this a few tims and be thrilled. I wonder what character I shall make for this play through. Will my enjoyment of swords sway to something more invested in steel? Or will the spectacle of…
Ah, I suppose it falls under the "what could possibly go wrong" category of zany thinking. Which means something bad. At least I remembered to put a disclaimer this time! :)
Sliver paint, foil, yes, anything to see what we can do. Sometimes we just need to try a thing, and with two approaches soon, we have enough time to set up a project but not so much time that we have to wait too long for the results.
I said it was zany. But it would have more impact there than it would here as far as orbital position. Of course here, it would mess up the surface while there, just another place for ice to hide.
Well I only had a minute to think about it. But yes, a game about art. But if it captured the essence of Leo's artwork and other projects, maybe it could get close? ;)
I like that, and maybe after finding clues in Mona Lisa's painting you would have to enter other famous paintings in the museum. Patent that idea, somehow. I'd give it a try!
I gave up before the end of season one. But I have given up on most television in North America. Just a matter of changing tastes on my part, maybe.
Corny lines the first time, amusing and new. Corny lines the second time, a lot less chuckle. Besides the holy grail of cinema is The Shawshank Redemption so I won't act like the terminator movies are trying to topple the category.
Can art be games? Sure. let's make a quick pitch right now.
I'm not damning anything, I am just aware of how the money making machine works. That's the real Skynet, enslaving us to the forces of entertainment.
Well, if they take the central idea of travelling back in time to eliminate opposition to the robot faction by killing the rebel leaders, but change everything else, like characters, locations, even designs, then the premise can be saved, still explained as part of an ever changing time line, which you get with time…
Marketing types think that established properties aka a title or story people know will be better for sales because some of the work is already done in establishing the brand. Capitalise on nostalgia and the fact that people have already heard of something, and then try to make it seem slick and improved and get the…
I suspect the issue was with the fact that they tried to milk more out of it after 2 and had it go all cattywompus from there.
Zany ideas time. Can we somehow put the solar sails on asteroid Apophis and steer it into Mercury, and maybe nudge it a bit further away from the Sun? It would also guarantee that we didn't get hit ourselves, which has been downgraded to, what, a 1 in 250,000 chance in 2036 if some tiny chance of something else goes…
Science fact: you can make many things burn or explode with the right amount of oxygen mixed into it. We eat these things as fuel for our bodies, so if you get the mix right, disaster follows.