
It's the chest waxing that I find most offensive. He's a cute guy with or without a beard, but he had really nice chest hair and it's a shame that they got rid of it for the movie. I think that all variants of chest hair are nice, a lot of times guys look a bit like shaved cats without it.

Team chest hair all the way <3

"The NFL couldn't make themselves more clear that they literally do not give a single flying fuck about women..."

Man, Jamie Dornan looks about 1000x better with facial hair. I was not really feeling his crazy eyes in this trailer. But since I have no desire at all to see this movie, I suppose that I'm not the target audience anyway.

I can't believe 50 shades of grey is a real thing. Never mind a thing that is THIS popular. Go watch some RL porn and leave the crappy faux romance out of it.

Go on...

Note: As soon as you trot out "MY DAD IS IMPORTANT" you've lost the argument and everyone is embarrassed for you.

The "Not Rape" titty shot is classy and does not scream "I am desperate for attention" at all.

Just a random aside: If you're going to rape kids, maybe the middle of HIV-istan isn't the place to do it.

I always wonder how many of those couples are picking these "cool" dates just so they can remember their anniversaries.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at that lovely ass."

I would not enjoy doing that. So, she kicks ass to do it for me.

Tips would be better if they didn't have to safety pin the boxer flaps entirely closed. Heyo!

I don't know why, but the "plastic bag" part made me stand up out of my chair. The whole thing is horrifying enough, but What. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck?

I agree, that it is strange (I know that this is apparently how the legal system works, so I'd say it's the legal system that's strange). Would 'claims' be there if it were any other crime that was videotaped? What about armed robbery, would they say 'the store owner claimed to have been robbed' when there is a video

I think you're giving her too much credit for being aware of the alphabet.

Poor baby. I agree with others that say she shouldn't have been put in this position, but I do appreciate the fact that she is forcing viewers to realize that she is a little child. So often girls who have been raped (particularly girls of color) are treated like women and not given the compassion and sympathy

I didn't think Jenny was qualified for this interview, but then I saw her wearing that serious blazer.

After Jada finished telling her story, SuChin Pak said, "That's a very plausible story. That can happen at parties."

Why was this poor, young girl on national tv talking about her ordeal? I mean, I applaud her for doing this, but why?