
I would highly suggest a couple of counseling sessions with a professional. They might be able to frame things in a way that gets through to him more clearly. I have found in 3ish years of counseling, for just typical life stuff, not even anything traumatic or big, that she has been able to help me reframe and

yet again, an article that makes me ashamed to be a life long Wisconsin resident. And doubly ashamed that I didn't realize this had been enacted to begin with and argued with my legislator about it before it got to this level. :(

here in the Midwest and in north Carolina it is totally not becoming acceptable. Every time I say I don't want kids, no matter what the reason I give, I am inundated with well meaning declarations that I need to and my favorite 'it's different when they're yours!' To which I say 'but, what if it's not?!?!?!!'.

I saw UWW on this list and, no joke, the words

i forget all the details but it actually had to do with the eat before original sentence being for counseling out treatment or something and this thirty day sentence was actually for a parole violation or something. Which, in my opinion, makes it even worse!

I'm with you too. I understand the concern for privacy, but there ARE some people who hear "starved" and think Miranda Kerr or a Victoria's Secret model size. Yes they are thin and painfully so, but that is a far cry from this poor child. I think the photo just drives home the point of what exactly "starved" means.

"What are we to do?"

best possible gif to answer this with.

5 words.

*smacks forehead* Omigod, I can't believe I didn't see that. now it makes sense. I can see it now. carry on.

well ... she DID get *some* medical treatment .....

exactly. My sister has MS and it is a "mild" form of MS. I understand the basics of the disease and its effect on the body. What i do NOT understand is what the fuckall it has to do with being raped? Would it make a difference if she had been mugged? Would they be asking the same questions if she had actually

"we" all do not know who Reeva Steenkamp was. I would not have had the faintest idea who she was if the headline hadn't referenced Pistorius. And if it hadn't i might not have read the article at all. Sorry. :(

exactly. so can we now move on to the conversation about how rape isn't actually about sex??? sigh.

this is always the thing I can never figure out. I don't care if she's freaking Heidi Klum or whoever, if she's UNCONSCIOUS how is that enjoyable?!?!? sigh.

dammit! you beat me to this!!

"Jesus never ever intended anyone to worship him" What? I agree with your point, utterly, but this part doesn't make sense to me. I can't give you chapter and verse off the top of my head, but he IS God and as thus should be worshipped. Plus, I don't know what worshipping or not worshipping him has to do with

Favorite comment of the day.

Not only are tights not pants,

Yeah, I figured the injection was in place of the morning pill for the stirrings, but it still doesn't make sense. :( Agree, very sad.