
Hopefully not sounding like devil's advocate here, but I had the same initial reaction. Then I read the bit about his family. So, ok, I can see leaving him something for his family to live off of; especially since I personally think we don't treat out military NEARLY well enough to justify their sacrifices etc.

Yes to the hands! YES to the injections!! WTH? Injections!?!?! argh, agree utterly.

a dear friend of mine's kids are super crazy messy, even in other people's houses. They have a mom's group and had set up a plan to not let any of the kids play in one bedroom because all they do, literally, is dump every single bucket of toys out on the floor into a massive ridiculous pile. But, the child of the

vice versa?

my question was always WHEN did they sign the releases? From everything I've read, they signed a release walking in the door BEFORE any shooting was started. Who is going to basically get assaulted and then be like "Oh, hey, can I have that release back? I changed my mind." Signed releases mean NOTHING in this

well feck. now I have another reason to hang my head in shame and mumble that I'm from Wisconsin. goddamnation anyway.

i am white knuckle clinging to the hope that this is only because of a union contract "requirement" kind of thing where they legally canNOT withhold his wages because he is still considered an employee or some such shit.


I've considered whether or not I would even stop. Legally I have always understood that I have the right to drive somewhere "safe" before pulling over. In my mind I would call 911 to report that I am driving somewhere safe and to ask that they let the officer know so he doesn't try something crazy to get me to pull

Well I'm 35 and as raised as I'm going to get. ;)

best. comment. ever.

OH. MY. GAWD. BRILLIANT!!!!!!! One of those 2 + 2 things no one is making connections on. Yes. this. yes.


Where does one find this mythical creature?

my personal favorite was the guy who emailed me specifically to say

i didn't know either, and i'm not that old, BUT i did not google it. and now I am crazy glad I didn't!

This is what I couldn't figure out either ....

And this is exactly my argument to anyone who gets militant about it. A great friend said to me once