exactly my thought. followed immediately with "Well, that is probably the ONLY place left though."
exactly my thought. followed immediately with "Well, that is probably the ONLY place left though."
or married to a woman who thinks the Duggars are The Greatest Family Of All Time.
TONS of people use Proverbs 31 to try to say where women belong. Because they have not read it carefully enough to realize she was a property owner, a land owner, a fabric and clothing maker, etc. They think she did those things out of the goodness of her heart or as a volunteer or some shit. They are also the…
well this is for godamned sure!
omg. can't wait to read these!! They'll be almost as good as the reviews for the 3 wolf tshirt!!!!
minor in feline sociology!
i very nearly tried on a pair of black capris with different colored flamingos on it once. Until my friend talked me out of it by reminding me i'm not 60 fracking years old.
Utterly beyond agree completely with the fucking maternity fucking with my mind. I swear to God, every single time.
what is most disappointing to me is that ours blends directly into the maternity. So I'll notice a top or a dress and be like "Ohhh, that's cute!" and then be like, "Oh shit. it's maternity. godamnit Target!"
can we be BFFs? I think I'm in love with you.
yes, exactly. :)
and your last sentence is where the whole of our society breaks down.
oh oh oh! that makes me think of one of those "Oh Snap!" kind of answers .. it was in a movie, Easy !
I'm gonna go ahead and venture a guess that filters and tact went out the window when everyone started posting everything on facebook etc. If someone posted something sort of ignorant on my feed (not quite as bad as the things on here, because my head might explode if i saw things like this on a feed) I'd probably…
this was honestly the hardest part for my friend who adopted from Ethiopia. On the adoption agency forms, there is one that lists all sorts of disabilities and what you are willing to consider and not. She had the hardest time because of exactly what you're saying. No, she doesn't really *want* a child with…
didn't you hear about the woman who LITERALLY put her 8/9 year old adopted son on a plane back to Russia? Not a joke. Seriously put him on a plane and sent him back.
i can't comprehend subjecting a growing child to a vegan diet WITHOUT being certain they are getting enough protein!! wow. just, wow.
Yes. Very accurate metaphor.
I had a friend who had severe asthma, many allergies, and though she is in denial some form of an eating disorder. She EXTOLLS the virtues of breast feeding as if her children would die in the crib if she brought formula into the house. But the kicker was, they were sick
I have a friend who's wife couldn't mentally be ok with breastfeeding, the idea just grossed and creeped her out. And his final "argument" with other people who might try to judge them is this