One of my dearest friends refused to consider breast feeding simply because the idea of it utterly grossed and creeped her out. She just could not mentally make herself do it. And her 4 kids are amazing!
One of my dearest friends refused to consider breast feeding simply because the idea of it utterly grossed and creeped her out. She just could not mentally make herself do it. And her 4 kids are amazing!
Yeah, i didn't say I "clean" my apartment. I meant I pay for it and keep it up well enough that I don't get an infestation of something or be turned in as a hoarder. ;)
I have been wondering this exact thing for months!
this is EXACTLY my argument every time this comes up.
First, yes, fuck you cancer. or more accurately FUCK! YOU! CANCER!!!!
I wish 6 months had gotten me back. It's been nearly 3 years since my Dad died unexpectedly 7 weeks after walking into an urgent care for a pulled muscle that turned out to be a liver full of tumors. I'm still not "back." :( I'm functioning, I go to work, I live, I love, I keep up my apartment and my life and my…
and i now have item # 198 to add to my netflix queue. ;)
Xfiles? Is on Netflix?????
no, just don't have a vagina. then you're good.
Yeah, we ain't got Gators in Wisconsin. :(
I love love love Quinoa!!
ya know what this comment suddenly made me think of?
Lye covers a multitude of "sins." Just tuck that tidbit away.
"nurse friend told me about this friend of her doctor"
As soon as I read someone post about Herd Immunity I got even angrier with the anti-vaccine crowd. I hadn't really thought about that side of the anti vaccine movement, but as soon as I read it, I started to get seriously angry about it. and I don't have any kids at all!!!
Because *clearly* Law and Order should be our point of reference for the legal system.
couldn't agree more. You'd like to think a publicist or maybe a younger brother would have had that particular conversation with him. BUT, generationally, he is not going to listen or absorb it or allow that conversation to actually change him. You are likely 100% right.
I’m pretty sure our parents regretted teaching us how to use the camcorder.
I left a cabbage patch premie doll in a hot car once. But just long enough for the plastic to JUST barely start to bubble, not to actually melt. so she just had chicken pox for the rest of her unnaturally born life.