
My theory is that they were waiting for the invention of dubstep so they could properly score it.

Huh, I've got to say I'm still relatively puzzled as to what caused the resurgence in popularity of Parasyte. Just about 20 years is a bit of a long time.

Watch It If You Like: Big Bang Theory

Good for her using social media to get help, but I have never not been warned about surge pricing when using Uber or Lyft. On Halloween in San Francisco, both Lyft and Uber wee charging 3.5 their normal rate and so I just skipped it and went to Reno instead of karaoke. (A two-night stay in a luxury suite with a

There are people protesting? The fuck is wrong with people man?

It'd be sweet if we just invested in public transportation that women felt safe using.

I had a very very similar experience waking up yesterday morning!!!


This is not just a "rich people" issue. I know plenty of middle class people in safe neighborhoods that get super pissed when carloads of kids from poorer areas get dropped off. Frankly I never understood the big deal. More kids means less candy for me to deal with later. Besides, if *I* lived in a less than safe

Oh my God, is this guy God?????


Hey, I met her! She works at the fire house next door to my building. This is super cool. :)

The article first points out that Nicki, a busy woman, fell asleep four times during the interview, though it was apparently never "actual REM sleep."

"I told them I knew a guy who could eat a whole grape and they were all like BS!"

I think the point was not that she found it degrading, but because she has already discussed it a lot and found the line of questioning tiresome. That was my read from the full piece, anyway.

Wait, what? You just blew my mind. I know Amber Tamblyn not from Sisterhood, but from General Hospital (I am not ashamed. I love my stories). I am also mildly (ok ridiculously) in love with David Cross, but somehow missed the fact that they were together, much less married. Plus, just LOOK at her dress, and their

Xander nooooooooooo!

We did it twice on our wedding night. Is that weird? Once the second we got in the door. (blush) and again after I finished getting the five million bobby pins out of my hair, because I was going to put that white negligee to use, damn it.

Hey look! She's even practicing good trigger control!!!