
I love how you automatically know what parents feel when their children cry inconsolably. FYI, it's in no way easier for the parent to bear. I can tell you that hearing my child cry is an immediate, visceral, hormonal flight-or-fight response and yet I don't get up and run away, I stay with my child and figure out the

People in this very comment thread are proving your anecdotal evidence wrong.

Okay, one last story. This dealbreaker would be strongly believing in woo like Reiki, ancient aliens theory (my ex), and other things like that. The guy showed up, fairly cute but 6" shorter than his stated height (I don't care! Just don't lie about the height; it's weird and lame to lie about it.) He then

She should look into Audible or digital audiobook rentals from the public library. I love audiobooks since I spend 2+ hours in the car every day.

Is it bad that I wish Dickens had written even more words? I'm in the middle of David Copperfield right now and I can't put it down, it's so good! I just got to the funeral part and had tears streaming down my face, literally sobbing. Dickens always makes me cry. The effing A Christmas Carol made me cry like a baby

Ermahgerd, why am I always gray?!

Another good one: this very handsome guy and I really hit it off; he approached me after I knew he had children and made it clear he was a single dad. Cool, I'm a single mom! But then, "My ex-wife is in charge of homeschooling our kids. I teach them real-world skills like bowhunting, making leather from deerhide, and

Real-life dealbreaker: A personal trainer from my gym asked me to hang out. He walked into my apartment, saw my overflowing bookshelf, and said "You read?" His expression was the same he would've had on his face if I'd just dropped a deuce in the middle of the carpet. I was marginally polite and ushered him back out

"I think the fact that Manson has a new, hot, young wife... speaks to how much it sucks to be a run of the mill nondescript dude." That was your original poor-me-I'm-a-nice-guy gripe. But now your gripe is about some vague groups of people that all want to marry and/or vicariously bang a serial killer? You're making

You know she thinks it's a great idea to marry a serial killer. So, meh.

the fact that you actually think that this girl is a prize, based solely on her looks, speaks volumes!

Her expression in that gif is everything.

Yeah, about 50% of Downs is likely caused by the male gamete according to my repro professor.

Yeah—he actually went out doing all the planning footwork. That's not a thought-crime; that's actual conspiracy to commit murder, stalking, etc. That people like this exist in the world, walking among us, is such a scary thought.


Look at it as an added cost of not handling rape cases correctly the first time.

Sure, as you would at any university. The CC I was at has a reputation for hand-holding with its students to a certain degree, but then again that nanny-ish teaching style really helps a lot of people when they're just starting out in higher education. And they happen to have a transfer agreement with the university

Oh wow, this is such a load of horse manure. I'm attending one of the top universities in the world after transferring from a CC. I'm getting a fantastic GPA and will be applying to med school next year. All of my transfer cohort are having similar successes in other areas—business school, psychology, etc. Maybe the're at work, whiling away the hours trolling on Jez. Wow, your job must be SUPER important.