Curious what sort of responsibility you think an unconscious woman (or man) should bear concerning her own rape.
Curious what sort of responsibility you think an unconscious woman (or man) should bear concerning her own rape.
Not only is this quote a scurrying little morality-cockroach I would like to spray with an entire can of Raid—that woman has two sons she raised to think this way too.
WTF?! Creepy...
This. There is only 1.25% more fat in whole milk compared to 2% milk. Hardly enough to get your knickers in a twist over.
Given 1 cup of skim milk vs. 1 cup of whole milk (same volume), if you increase the fat percentage, then the other percentages go down slightly. :) Fat is really not as bad for you as the nation's corn producers would like you to believe.
Oh my god, when I was younger a couple of guys did this to me!
One of my daughter's nicknames is Vee!
"The final structure of the abscess is an abscess wall, or capsule, that is formed by the adjacent healthy cells in an attempt to keep the pus from infecting neighboring structures. However, such encapsulation tends to prevent immune cells from attacking bacteria in the pus, or from reaching the causative organism or…
Earwax comes in many forms—gray or brown or yellow, dry or wet, and it can have a smell or no smell at all. It all depends on your genetics.
I agree; I still use it for evenings/formal stuff. My mother asked for a bottle of it for Christmas; she sprays it on every time she visits me. It smells beautiful, rich but lightly floral, on everyone.
Faves, in roughly chronological order:
Muguet du Bois
Lolita Lempicka
Indian Musk by Annie Oakley
Burberry Brit
Hanae Mori Butterfly
currently, Honeysuckle by Demeter - boyfriend loves it.
Doesn't matter, they're not mutually exclusive. Colour. Favourite.
He came forward, but only because the police were on his electronic trail already - his identification was probably imminent.
"Judgemental" is a legitimate spelling of that word. No need for the snarky [sic] after it in your block quote.
Oh hey, it's my ex-MIL!
I'm not sure! I have a little library of them I've collected and I just have fun busting them out for just such an occasion as this. :)