
If that's true, it has never seemed to affect my dating life at all. Apparently the men around here are the exception to the rule. :)

"a mannequin with a University of Pheonix dipolma stapled to its chest"

I fit many of those criteria (though not all the essentials; I'm a single mom). There is no way in hell I would go on a single date with the person who sent this email.

"Seaworthy douchecanoe"? YESSSS.

I'm back to my pre-pregnancy body (including "down there"). Breastfeeding, kegels, diet, and exercise. And I'm proud as hell of my (now faded & silvery) tiger stripe stretch marks—I earned those.

I pooped three times. The staff were really nice about it...they had the materials to clean it up immediately, so I don't think family in the room even really noticed what was happening.

That's exactly how I describe it whenever another woman asks me, "So, how was childbirth really?"

"How is babby feminist formed?"

Boiling water can cause plastic/rubber/silicone to become discolored. It doesn't hurt the material, just changes the color. *The More You Know* I learned this while attempting to sterilize breast pump tubing.

Yep, same here.

+1 bajillion

I plan on naming my future daughter Ygritte. Take that, haters.

I successfully made it through high school without reading The Great Gatsby. It was never assigned in any of my classes. We did read several Shakespeare plays and Beowulf, as well as some novel that talked about a red glass pickle dish a lot that I sort of liked.

No one has a right to be that good-looking and then amplify it a thousandfold by smirking like that. Hot damn.

Actually, I would consider one of these homes if they weren't (most likely) prohibitively expensive. It seems all of these amazing ideas come with amazingly awful price tags.

Hahahaha! Looks more like the latter, honestly.

DJ Nubbin

Reliable Transportation

+1 million for Eddie Izzard reference! I <3 you.