
I guess you completely skipped the last two paragraphs.

And me!

I got people assuming I was an evil Single Mother (tm) and sneering/disrespecting me if I dared to appear in public sans husband. My fingers were too swollen to wear my wedding ring.

I assume most mothers aren't professional lingerie models, which could be why your mileage may vary in your case.

I also live in Madison and have no idea who she is.

I think that went right over your head. But you were just looking for an opportunity to talk out of your ass anyway, it seems.

Me too. ...I'll be in my bunk.

"It is your movement for equality, not ours to take."

I married (and subsequently divorced) the son of an overbearing, overinvolved mother who probably should have been Jewish (she was Lutheran instead). I found out after the separation that apparently my sex life was a regular, very detailed topic of conversation between her, her husband, and my ex. And that's only the

I also read through my local library's entire collection of sci-fi and fantasy novels in a span of maybe a couple of years. They started ordering more books in those genres because I would ask every week if they'd gotten any more in.

It might make you feel much better to just ask him what's going on in his head.

OMG, I can't even. She's one I would actually turn down a proposal over.

I love this video so so much.

Awww! I love you too.

Yes, you've said the same thing on multiple other threads. But you're cherrypicking a part of her quote without any context behind it. Posting the whole thing would show that she actually can speak and understand Korean.

If it quacks like a duck...

That's fucking right, take your MRA hand-wringing somewhere else. Nobody on a WOMEN'S website came here to talk about how downtrodden caucasian men are.

She stated in the article that she is fluent in Korean and did speak it fluently several times during the episode at the spa.

I also grew up with a GSD. He was nearly solid black with these big, intense, intimidating eyes. Most people assumed he was a wolf, actually. He was so protective of me that I had to keep him tied up if my friends were going to playing near me, because he distrusted everyone's motives (he was abused before we adopted

I've always heard to yell "NO!" at the top of my lungs repeatedly, because they just need to hear that we don't want it enough times and loud enough. IDFuckingK.