


Ooh, nice ad hominem. Your argument about "Western" women is getting stronger and stronger.

"I know rape/etc. is wrong, so whatever I do ISN'T rape/etc."

I agree. This is not intellectual property protection.

I pretty much only shop at Target anymore, even though their clothing quality is mediocre at best. The cuts and quality at other stores in my budget range are much, much worse.


Just know that somewhere in the world, a woman is rolling her eyes and groaning because of your dumb statement.

Funny driver's license story: I had to get mine renewed a couple of years back. My old one said my hair was brown so I naturally entered "brown" on the hair color line. The woman at the counter at the DMV looked at me, looked at my renewal paperwork, and changed my entry to "blond".

Nice loaded question, MRA troll.

LOL! I agree with Sine; this took me at least three reads to finally catch it.

I learned something new today; awesome! The American Great Danes have blockier heads too, it appears. I really like the European bloodline conformation.


I know a girl from Israel with dark red/auburn hair, freckles, and pale olive skin. She is an Ashkenazi Jew. That makes a lot of sense that people would think you might have that same heritage, actually.

What kind of dog is the bigger one? (I'm guessing catahoula/great dane/Lab mix?) He/she is beautiful!

Haha, I've never heard that before. I like Bronde.

Sounds like we have the same complexion too! It's funny you mention your hair turning red in the sun; I have photos of myself in sunlight with blood-red hair, even though it is definitely not red at all.

I have hair that looks blonde and/or brown at the same time, depending on lighting and your mindset. Men generally tend to see it as whichever of those colors they prefer.

Just because I'm calling you out on your sexism doesn't mean you have to get defensive. Own it. Then go cry on your mail-order bride's shoulder because the mean Western woman talked back to you.