
It sounds like you think people are being reasonable, drawing conclusions based on their past experiences.

Odyssey’s controls are far superior to 64's, mostly just due to the fact that Mario can turn around without doing a stupid little U-turn that often runs him off a cliff. I will say that Mario feels more like a superhero in 64; his wall jump and long jump seem ridiculously strong. But in terms of getting Mario to do

You can get Super Mario 64 DS on the Wii U virtual console. That being said, playing it back to back with Super Mario 64 on Switch, I’m actually enjoying the old version more. Mostly it just comes down to not having full analog movement in the DS version. And I think the whole game feels sluggish on the DS/Wii U

I agree that Mario 64 isn’t much fun compared to recent 3D Mario games, but it’s nowhere near as tedious as Sunshine. Not even close.

- So, so, so many frustrating missions.

The minimum—the bare minimum— they could do to even make this sound safe to attend is use an outdoor venue. Aren’t cons like these notorious for spreading disease even in non-pandemic years?

I don’t enjoy tapioca pudding.

Or are people, in this case, smarter than you’re giving them credit for?

FFXV did a great job at managing my expectations by making it a road-trip starring four identically-dressed dudes. They managed my expectations so well that I never bought or played it. So far FFXVI is a small step up from that, but not enough of one to interest me.

Are difficulty modes not really standardized among recent Musou games?

Well maybe. We all just like to share our opinions or we wouldn’t be doing it. I guess I also just read that comment more charitably, since I have also been pretty down on Musou games over the years. I read the comment as more disappointed than sneering. I briefly played a bit of Dynasty Warriors (can’t recall which

In their defense, Musou games do seem super repetitive. This’ll be the first one I actually buy/play. Here’s hoping it’s a good one!

Well. Glad I forgot to bother to do all those missions.

Huh, I did not realize that you could buy the Prinny games separately, but sure enough. Still wish they’d upgraded them to have HD sprites, but what can you do.

Everybody keeps calling this “FOMO” but it’s really more of an instant vs. delayed gratification thing, right? FOMO is more of a social thing, you fear missing out on fun that others are having. This is mostly just, I’d rather have this thing/experience sooner, but it’ll still be there later.

It’s easy. Those people are evil.

You’re right, let’s just give up on trying to make the world a better place. Waste of time! It’s easier just to drag others down in order to feel smarter than them.

A good theory, but it is launching on PS4 (in Japan only) after all. I’m guessing they just don’t think there’s much of a market for that version in the US at this point in the PS4's life.

As it turns out, it’s also coming to PS4 in Japan. So it’s only a console exclusive elsewhere. And both the Switch and PS4 versions are launching in January in Japan.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m cautiously optimistic, but it was certainly a surprise.