Put some truck nuts on it and you can be the only Deutchbag in the country.
omg. a 787 on jalopnik? no Fn way!
"So it seems you sold my friend a non-US spec car. Would you happen to have any OIL for that car?
Yes, this article, specifically.
Jalopnik: dear fucking lord, please stop writing about financial topics, even if they do relate to the auto industry. When your writers aren't getting the basic concepts wrong (not pointing fingers at this article, specifically), your readership base is making me want to crawl into a hole.
I call bullshit on this one. Everyone KNOWS that IPhone users are incapable of filming in landscape mode.
And it still only looks mediocre. Lots of fringing, blown highlights, etc. Come on Bently, I know you can afford at the minimum a marginally more expensive DSLR.
The production quality was very good. The messaging was weak though.
A $600 phone surrounded by $60k of professional gaffer equipment at the hands of a $400/hr professionals. This is the filmography equivalent of "stock" car racing.
So they did it on iPhones so that they can edit it on iPads which conveniently the latter is in the car. I think if they were going to get all those mounts, lenses, etc. they could have just used a DSLR in place of the iPhone and then edit it on the iPad; I'm sure you can edit video that comes from a DSLR on an iPad.…
iPhone: Because you too can use a B&W filter in post to make up for bad color reproduction. And, artsy.
Just the handheld stabilizer they use runs at least $7500. (Looks like a Laforet MōVI)
That is not amazing, that is stupid. Use the right tool for the right job.
Being this is a track laid out on public roads for an event, not an actual track that exists full time, im gonna go ahead and say the Nurburgring is still the biggest and most challenging track. Otherwise, im sure I could go lay a track out over public roads that would totally blow your mind
A stunning and catastrophic crash in November ended Ken Block's Rally America season. The photos of his smashed Ford…
I lol'd hard.
It also shows how not to shoot video.
It's actually a Lotus flower, and I like it!