LarissaFae is Your Friendly Neighborhood Sloth Dealer

... Me?


I love you so much for all of this. I'm to ragey to deal with it. <3

Thank you for this.

This makes a disgusting amount of sense. >.<

Yay! And you're welcome!

Ah! That's awesome advice. Thank you!

Oh, I see. You just want a fancy party. :D Understandable!

You're welcome! Sloths are well-known love monsters.

My friend started a food blog on tumblr! She's only got 2 recipes up, but give her love!


What Zom-B said. No glove, no love! Wrap it before you slap it!

Totally agreed!

Awwww! Slothy approves and wants to share in the love!

Well, going because you're IN the court case is not so cool. I'm sorry. :( Have a sloth?

Ouch! D: I'm glad you were all ok.

Replying to promote.

Replying to promote.

We get closer and closer each day to becoming a cesspool like Gawker's become; I doubt Denton will pull his head out of his arse and save us. But yeah, if we manage to pull through, I'm going to seriously pull for something like a guide for newly-starred folks. And newly unpink folks. And everyone. :D

You're welcome! :)