LarissaFae is Your Friendly Neighborhood Sloth Dealer


Aw, a kitty gave birth in a dryer!

I kept waiting for them to include Mandi, and then they DELIBERATELY cut her out. WTF, parents?

It's not your fault that you made an awesome comment before I did. It just means we're both awesome. :D

Hey, it worked out just fine, no worries. :) I'll make it out sometime! And thank you - mine are crossed, too!

Ahahaha. :D Also, I'm not going to the family reunion. >.< Mom called and said I needed to concentrate on finding a job. Soooooo that's what I'll be doing this weekend!

It'll be a trend in no time! :D Mandles! Mandles for every man!

I should have refreshed the page before posting my reply right above you. I'm glad we're thinking along the same lines! :D

Countdown to calling them "mandles."

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. Poor Mandi!

This kid's my hero.

It's adorable - and it's how, when I'm famous and someone leaks a porn tape of me, I'll know it's not really me. :D

That's awesome that you were able to do that. It's not the same as what's happening in the article, though - your little boy got all of his shots. The children in this article aren't.

Way to show who your favorite kid is by only focusing on Ryan, Mr & Mrs Gosling.

I've always read it as a compliment. Envious of her shiny hair, yes, but with no ill-will behind it.

I just Googled the lyrics, and I don't read them as being about a one-night stand. I think it's more about her being in a relationship with a guy and wondering if it's going to actually last, or if it's just a fling - it mentions loving her forever, and a few other lines indicate to me that it's not a one-night stand.

I actually like Teenage Dream. I don't like Katy Perry, but I really like that the song is about them having sex AFTER she's COMPLETELY SURE that she wants to and is comfortable with it, and it's happening in a long-term relationship.

I'd find it absolutely hilarious. If I ever get married and if I ever give a blowjob (God forbid, but eh, stranger things have happened), I'm definitely going to do that.

Replying to promote and agree.