I was thinking that we actually called those people humans, who aren't as coldly logical as you appear to be.
I was thinking that we actually called those people humans, who aren't as coldly logical as you appear to be.
Thank you. The main difference in these two cases is that one killing happened in the heat of the moment as the father fought off an immediate threat and was accidental, whilst the one in this article was premeditated with no immediate threat to the child. Neither are right and neither actions should be encouraged,…
Thank you, baybee. :)
I passed my classes this semester! Barely, but I did. :)
Or thinks it's evil.
Replying to let you join the debate. And thank you for your view. :)
Thank you. :)
If someone was coming at you or someone you loved with the intent to cause you or them serious, potentially fatal, harm, you SERIOUSLY wouldn't do EVERYTHING YOU COULD to keep yourself or your loved one safe? Sometimes death IS necessary to stop violence.
Thank you. :)
I didn't say the father who killed the molester shouldn't get a trial.
All-caps is also a form of emphasis for those who don't want to bother with the extra HTML. I'm sorry, should I have used italics instead? Would that have made you feel better?
The father who WALKED IN ON his little girl IN THE PROCESS OF BEING MOLESTED reacted the way he did in a spur-of-the-moment effort to save his child. He didn't even mean to kill the man - the sheriff even said that it was self-defense-by-proxy; he was acting in the defense of his child. He didn't mean to kill the man,…
You're welcome! :D
Replying to promote.
Replying to promote, and also to tell you that when you're a new (pink) commenter, you don't see your comments until someone with a star promotes them. :)
I do not want to have to explain to my nephews why there is a woman with half her tits hanging out.
Yeah, I just named my vagina Voldemort. That's pretty much all I got from this article. The rage blinded the rest.
Nonetheless, does "mincing" not mean "silly faggot?"
Can Judge Judy preside over that? Please?